Chapter Twenty-Three: Keeping up

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Beau drives me, Claire and Brion to the airport the next day. I'm wondering why Brion isn't using his PJ. Oh, I mean private jet.

After hours of kissing me even though I fight back, Brion finally gets in the airplane.

I'm crying. Profusely. I just can't help it.

'Relax, he's not dying,' Beau says. Way to pacify me.

'Shut up, asshole,' Claire says, hugging me.

I fucking love you, baby.
Brion texts me as the airplane takes off.

I just can't Imagine a month without him. Really, I wish I never met such a hot devil like him.

I've never been so attached to a guy.

I'm flying to Spain right now after making Beau swear severally that he'll protect my buttercup.

It's hard. I'm fucking going to kill Jeffrey for making me leave my baby just to chase his stupid ass.

God, I miss her already. I doubt being able to concentrate.

She hates me. She fucking left me unread.

I'm going to send Jeffery's body flying back to Las Cruces in a million pieces.

I swear to God, I'll fucking kill Troy if does as much as say shit to Adriana while I'm away.

Jeffrey fucking Douglas is in Alicante-Elche.

The other spies have gotten a centre right where he stays.

I can't stop crying even as Beau starts driving back to Brion's house.

Seriously, why am I going there? He left me for some.... important mission. If that's how you want to see it.

'I'm going to the dorm,' I tell Beau.

'No, you're not. Brion asked me to keep an eye on you,' he replies.

Man, I hate that sentence.

'Seriously, I need to rest!' I tell him.

'If somebody else is gonna be with you there, then fine but if you're contemplating being alone, I'm sorry, no,' he says.

I want to scream right now.

'I'll stay with her in the dorm. Take us there already,' Claire says .

Life saver. I'm glad I did this for her. Whatever, I'm not glad. It wasn't really my choice.

Beau takes us to the dorm.

'Make sure she's safe and okay,' he tells Claire.
She rolls her eyes.
And what am I? A baby?

'If anything happens, call me,' he says.

'Bye!' Claire slams the door shut.

'You know you and Brion are such big babies, don't you?' she asks as I get on the bed.

Brion? He was...

Okay, I need to stop blaming him.

'Brion literally almost pushed someone out of the plane when he finally stopped kissing you,' she says.


'I know it's hard, but he'll be back pretty soon and believe it, he's never died on a spy mission,' she says like it's possible to die more than once.

She laughs at her joke.

I'm calmer but I still can't help missing him.

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