Chapter Twenty-Seven: Depth

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Beau rushes in just as I pull out my belt. He puts his arm around my neck.

'What the fuck are you doing, Beau?' I ask, angrily.

'What the fuck are you doing trying to hit a girl?' he asks.

'Fucking calm the fuck down! I see something,' he says before pulling something like a patch off my neck.

I feel my aggression levels drop.

'What happened?' I ask, looking at Adriana on the bed, crying.

Just as I'm about to ask her what's bothering her, she leaves.

'What the fuck happened, Beau?' I ask.

'You wanted to hit Adriana. More like strap her,' he says. I look at the belt in my hand. Really, I don't know how this thing got into my hand. But I get why she just left.

'Why the hell would I do that?' I ask.

'I don't know where you got this shit,' he holds up a patch,' but it was on your neck and I think it's the reason you've acting all arse-y.'

'Whatever, did I hit Adriana?' I ask.

'Yeah, you did,' he says, making my hands immediately go through my hair. I'm doomed. I won't even know what to say to her.

'Brion,' Beau calls.

'What?' I ask.

'You didn't hit her. Well, all thanks to me,' he says.

'Fuck you,' I say.
I feel so vulnerable. Who did this?


I can't believe Brion tried to hit me with a belt just because he met me on the couch with his brother.

'What did he do?' Quinn asks as I get to the living room. Must be because of the tear marks on my face.

'Nothing,' I reply.

'Is he calm now or he isn't done fucking around?' he asks, angrily.

'I don't know,' I reply, sitting on the couch.

Quinn sits beside me.
'Please...' I beg.

'He's not gonna do anything, trust me,' he says.

'Ice-cream, anyone?' April asks, walking in with Xavier, Marie and Chase.

'I'm down,' Quinn says.

'You okay, Adriana?' April asks.

I nod.

Beau and Brion walk into the living room.

'Where's Mia?' Marie asks Beau.

'In hell,' he replies.

Brion just starts walking towards me and Quinn on the couch.

'Baby...' he calls.

'I'll be on the front porch,' I say and leave.

He says something to Quinn. They shake hands afterwards.

Brion opens the door. I don't want to see him. What he did was reckless. He's always been careful with me.

'Baby, I don't know how to say this but...that wasn't me. I was controlled,' he says.

'What are you now? A cyborg? Great,' I reply.

'Baby, I mean it,' he tries to grab my waist.

'Absurd,' I take his hands off me.

'You're saying I'm a liar,' he says.

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