truth or dare~

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its a dreambur, uhh it has smut and some fluff yea just read it-


--wilbur pov--

i waas bored and just asked my friends over like; dream,sapnap,george, karl,tubbo, Quackity and niki and ofcourse techno and tommy needed to be there from dad.  its was around 10pm and some of us started to get drunk and getting bored. Tommy came with the idea to play truth or dare. everyone argee with it bc yea we didnt had anything to do. there were dares like drink a whole glass of whiskey and kiss someone. the truth were so childish like; do you have a crush. who do you hate. yea that kind of.   quackity choose me '' wilbur truth or dare?'' he asked me i thought and answered. ''dare ig'' quackity got a big smile on his face. ''go sit on dreams lap for the rest of the game'' i turned red, ofcourse i did he is my crush. wel i went sit on dreams lap for the rest of the game.

--dreams pov--

i was at wilburs and we started to play truth or dare. i got some stupid dares and some weird truth. then quackity asked wilbur to sit on my lap, i saw him turn red i kinda got warm from the inside. just think one of your hottest friends is gonna sit on your lap. and the best part is he did it. he sat on my lap and tommy started to scream ''MY MINOR EYES'' tubbo didnt mind anything. we played the game for a while and wilbur kept moving on my lap to sit comfy. i felt something getting awake and so did wilbur because he stopped moving.

--wilbur pov--

i moved on dreams lap bc his wasnt comfy to sit on then i felt something poking me. i whisper to dream '''take your keys out of your pocket'' he whisperd back ''i dont have any keys in my pocket'' after he said i turned really red. the others saw that. niki said '' we should go its getting late'' everyone agree with it even techno and tommy went with them. the only one who stayed was dream. i stood up from his lap and wanted to walk away but then he grabbed my arm and pulled me back down.

--3rd person pov--

wilbur laid infront of dream on the hard cold floor. ''so you know what you did to me?'' dream said in a serious voice. ''w-wel yea but i didnt mean bc you didnt said comfy and yea-'' wilbur got cut of by a hand on his lips. ''i dont wanna hear it you are gonna pay for it'' dream smirked and put two fingers into wilburs mouth. ''suck you slut''. wilbur did what dream asked and start sucking on dreams cold fingers. dream takes his fingers out of wilbur mouth. ''strip'' dream said with a serious voice. wilbur did what dream asked adn stripped his clothes off so did dream.'' be a good boy for me wilbur'' wilbur nodes and let dream control him. dream grabs something out of a box under the bed. it were ropes, 'wilbur pov: h-how does he know abt that' dream smirks and ties wilbur to teh bed. ''can you get free now slut'' wilbur shakes his head as no. ''good now lets start'' dream gets inbetween wilburs thight. he starts to bite/kiss wilbur innerthight. wilbur letting out some moans thats what dream wants to hear. the top stops kissing his tight and puts his hands over wilburs eyes let his member enter slowly inside of wilbur. ''aghh~'' wilbur moans on the feeling of getting something inside of him.''shhh darling''. dream goes fully in wilbur and a loud moan comes from the bottom. ''good job kitten''. dream goes faster and harder. more moans come from wilbur."i-im g~gon agh~ c~cum" wilbur tries his best to speak.

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