but i saw you there...

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the wilburs are my own AU so enjoy


niki's pov

i was walking and saw wilbur in... a suit? Well he doesnt look bad tho. ''Wil!'' wilbur turns, he looks different its like it not wilbur. ''hello miss'' miss? he never calls me that, i will just let it be maybe he had to much vodka i continue my walk toward phil and technos house ''so youre telling me you saw wilbur with god wings?'' i hear phil asking to tommy tommy nodes ''hey guys!'' i say getting there attention ''niki! would you believe me that i saw wilbur with god wings by pogtopia'' i look at tommy ''well idk i saw him by erets castle in a suit'' techno comes running to us he looks... scared ''guys! i swear i saw 3 different wilburs'' phil laughs ''you guys are going insane'' we hear a voice  ''who called my name?'' wilbur walking to us but he looks before he blew up lmanberg ''father!'' wilbur says and hugs phil. ''insane get away from them there to confused right now'' a really tall man lands infront of us. ''oh pls legend youre boring'' techno and i take out our weapons ''woo calm down we arent here to hurt anyone'' thats the same wilbur i saw by erets castle ''ach our spy and did you find anything'' the wilbur in suit walks to tall man '' i may know where we can find XD''  wait why do they need XD and who even are they ''sir who are yall?" the tallest man kneels to our height well what he can ''im legenedbur thats spybur'' he points to the wilbur in the suit ''and the other you may know but thats'' phil looks at the last man ''thats insanebur'' 

--lil time skip--

all of them sit at a table. ''So why do you need XD?'' niki asks ''dream xd got us out of our universem and we would like to go back'' 2 man fly our way screaming ''legendbur! helpppp'' legendbur turns to the yelling ''meet demonbur and godbur'' they sit down and they get to know each other and make a plan to get to dream XD. plan was; to get to dream and ask how to summon him if they know they do it and try to get the burs back from where they come.

well plans always go how they need to go...

techno and phil go to dream knowing dream still owns techno something. ''techno! my friend how good to see you here!'' dream says in a weird voice ''dream we are here for something'' techno stays silent for some seconds and starts to talk again ''we wanna know how to summon dream XD'' dream smiles under his mask ''oh he's already here''  dream says walking away from techno and phil ''what do you mean!'' phil and techno get grabbed and put in a dark room and they hear a door close and get locked ''oi let us out!'' philza yells

--wilburs pov--

i look around and see complete dark ''hello?'' i speak hoping for reaction. Nothing. A tv screen turns on and i see niki with other people that look like me. I hear what they talk about and relax, They wont hurt Niki.

--by niki and the burs-

''i didnt hear anything from techno or phil!'' niki says worried ''they will be fine i mean techno is very strong and phil is smart'' niki chuckles ''hm never knew that i would hear that from a bur'' they laugh a lil till they went from afternoon to midnight in one second ''what the- legend!'' simpbur yells ''i didnt do anything'' legendbur says 

they hear a scream from techno and phil ''was that''

''oh it was lil girl and the one who changed the time was me''

they looked at the voice.... ''missed me legendbur''


alr someone wants part 2! pls let me know!!

have a good day!

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