We meet again huh

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One thing Quackity was proud of was Las Nevadas. A project that took him a while he made friends? After the whole Lmanberg part he didnt know what friends were everyone betrayed him even his crush Wilbur soot.

As Quackity was telling Slime about the world he saw a 7ft person running to him. ''Hey Foolish'' Q says ''he's alive he's back he's looking for you!'' Foolish says worried Quackity got scared did his ex Jschlatt come alive? ''Who are you talking about Foolish'' Quackity asks ''Wilbur!'' Quackity face went blank ''What how?!" foolish explained everything he knew. ''omg everyone check everything for tnt or redstone and keep an eye open'' he yelled trough a walkie talkie. But  that wasnt needed the fear Quackity had was there Wilbur soot the finder and destroryer of his own nation stood in Quackitys. Nervous Quackity got but was also happy. Wilbur walked closer to Quackity wich gave Q a better look at him making him blush 'holy shit hes even hotter then before' Q thought ''hello my friend missed me?'' Wilbur spoke holding a cigaret. ''I cant believe youre back'' Q said blushing even more thinking what wil could do to him. "Amazing isnt it" Wilbur spoke smiling. Quackity didn't know how to react, Foolish walked towards the 2. "Quackity slime needs you" the totem spoke "I'll be on my way to him bring Mr soot to my office please" Quackity demanded Foolish and he nodded. Wilbur and Foolish went to Q office while Quackity helped Slime with something stupid.

Wilbur sat on Q chair just looking around. Seeing photos of his best friend Jschlatt and Quackity. He smiled 'can't believe he isn't revived..' Wilbur thought as Wilbur continue to look around, Quackity walked in seeing Wilbur looking at the photo "miss him hm" Q said. " yeah.." Quackity sat on Wilburs lap "how abt we have some fun so we cheer you up, and then maybe get Dream to revive Schlatt" Quackity said with a smirk "wait what" the Revived man said "come onnn I've hadn't had any touch after Schlatt died" Q complained. Wilbur put his hands on Q waist and started bouncing his legs making Quackity bounce on his dick. "Omg~ Wilburr" Quackity whined "What's wrong sweetie" Quackity looked at Wilbur "I wanted to be top" Wilbur laughed thinking Q could never be a good top "if you can get me hard then you can be top if you can't I'll fuck you till you can't think straight" Wilbur said, Quackity didn't wait a second and attacked Wilburs neck "agh! Quackity" Wilbur moaned out knowing he would lose this. As Quackity left hickeys all over Wilbur he started to move straight on Wilburs dick " agh~" Wilbur moaned out again feeling he got hard. "F-fine Q you win just fuck me now" Wilbur sounded like a puppy who wanted attention "ofc puppy but first prep puppy" Wilbur whined again. Wilbur sat on the desk already naked while Q was watching his view, Wilbur may not be completely his old self but Quackity thought he was even more hotter then before. He has a white streak in his hair and around his left eye was a green bit of skin with stitches and there were more over his whole body and he had abs. "Aww puppy did you do that for me" Quackity said and kissed Wilburs abs "haha no darling i had nothing to do" that was a dumb answer. Without any warning Quackity pushed 2 fingers straight into Wilbur making Wilbur scream/moan. ''aww darling didnt i give you a warnigg'' Quackity says as he starts to thrust his fingers in and out of Wilbur. Wilbur keeps moaning. ''p~please Q-Quackity give me more please'' Wilbur begged ''you want more huh?'' Wilbur nodded. ''haha no darling you gotta deal with just my fingers'' Quackity growled. Wil moaned at quackity voice ''i-im gonna cum'' wilbur spoke ''cum for me puppy do it'' Quackity said and wilbur did. As the 2 got dressed Wilbur sat on Quackity lap and had his head in Q neck. Q did some work and after that they went to Wilburs van and just cuddled.


697 words i gave up at the end sorry

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