bad childhood

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its angst, its about wilburs childhood, dont cry abt this would be nice enjoy:)


time: today

im sitting outside with my friends, we have alot of fun. We talk about the past. Not the best thing for me but i feel that someone keeps staring at me, it was schlatt and george they know what happend. ''hey wilbur do you remember anything from primary school?'' my duck friend asks. i feel some tears and as the rest sees them aswell. ''Did i say anything wrong?'' quackity asks worried. ''wil they need to know that would explain alot to them'' schlatt says to me'. ''y-yea i should'' the two other guys look at eachother ''what happend then'' jack asks. ''sit down i will explain....'' they all sit down ''it happend when i switched schools....''

time: past wilbur was here 7 years

dad brought me to school. My new school.. Wilbur keep your head up new school new people. i hugged my dad goodbye and walked in the school. i got a warm welcome from my new teacher, and she introduced me. the class laughed at my last name and i got some comments like; ''hahah nerd!''or '' is your father the owner of minecraft'' adn worse the teacher yelled at them to be nice. i sat down in the front, alot of paper balls got throw at me some with notes others dont. the bell went we had a break, i sat done and just trying to think about something to do. then a group of kids walked at me. I was happy i mean people are coming to me to talk to me... god was it like that. They had rocks and water bottles in their hand. i looked scared. ''ey nerd are you thirsty'' one of the kids said. I was but didnt say anything. They throw the water bottles at me, i was soaked wet. ''c-can you guys leave me alone'' they laughed harder ''never'' a girl said. Then some other girls throw rocks at me. the bulling went till the last day of primary school.

time: past wilbur was here 14 years

high school this is my second year here. First year wasnt worse, got bullied normal things. i was sitting alone as always. then a group girls came over to me. ''hey wilbur'' one of them said. ''hey'' i said nervous because i probaly know there were here to hit me or something. ''uhh i kinda like you'' one of the girls said i didnt know what to say, i saw one of the other girls was holding her phone like she was filming. ''im sorry your not my type'' i said. ''so are you to who would date that ugly ass rat like you'' the girls laughed. break was over. I walked to my nexts lesson. ''ey nerd!'' i heard a familiar voice yell. It was dream the populairst boy in the whole school already. I ignored them i sat down. New break. i was in the bathroom, then dream sapnap and karl walked in. ''oh hello wilbur'' dream said with a smirk. dream pushed me hard at the wall. I coughed a bit. ''sapnap hold him im ready to break him'' dream said to his friend and thats what he did he grabbed me i couldnt get out. god im weak as fack. dream punched me hard in the stomach everywhere he could hit wilbur. they run out after awhile. Wilbur had a big blood nose a black eye, and everywhere bruises. the school day was over i runned home and rushed into my room locking it and sat down and broke down. i mumbled to myself ''why me what did i do am i that ugly am i really a nerd'' my father yelled upstair that food was ready. ''NOT HUNGRY ATE TO MUCH AT SCHOOL''  i yelled back i didnt eat anything my lunch got throw on the floor. I walked to my night stand and grab a knife out. should i do it? i thought. yea i mean if dream could i would be dead by now. i cut one time, another time and another time it goes on for like 5 minutes, then i put it away and put my sleeve over the cuts. The next day i went to school wearing a hoodie with long sleeves. i didnt had breakfast and lucnh.Were close to our last lesson. I gave up the bulling got everyday worse. Lucky for me the train rails were close by the school. the bell went school was finally over. i went the opposite way i always went. dream and sapnap followed me. i waited till the train came, the barries came down. I walked under them and sat down on the rail. alot of people were there watching yelling at me to get off. then i heard dream yell ''PEOPLE SHUT HE ISNT WORTH ANYTHING'' everyone went silent. a other familair voice yelled ''WILBUR PLEASE GET OFF COME ON PLEASE'' i was dad. i look at him and then a stanger run up to adn grabbed me on time and brought me in safety. After the barries went up. dad rushed to me and hugged me. ''why wilbur'' i look at him see him crying ''because life sucks everone hates me..'' after that dream and sapnap didnt bully me that much and i went to therapy.

time past wilbur was 18 here

college yey. im studying music its the only thing that brings me joy. did i ever got lsot of dream karl and sapnap. yes i did. college was a new start for me. i made two friend schlatt and george, i found out what i was, life was finally getting better. Until one day. schlatt george and i came back from a party george was driving and me and schlatt were a little bit drunk. we were 'flirting' with george. then i grabbed the steering wheel and got us in a car crash. i had my arm broken, schlatt was quit oke.. but george not he got in coma i kept blaming myself, i started to cut again after i promised dad and schlatt to stop. George was in coma because of me ME. that was there long and if that wasnt good enough my mother died.

time: past wilbur was 22 here

george got out of his coma after 4 years i was so happy that he was still alive. He forgive me ofcourse i didnt forgive myself i got a boyfriend schlatt and everything went well 

time: today

''that was everything i guess'' i sit there in tears so did the rest schlatt was hugging me so was george. ''you still didnt forgive yourself for that accident?'' i look at george ''no i almost killed you'' we had a group hug ''come on wilbur lets go home'' schlatt says ''dont have to much fun~'' quackity say in a joking voice ''don ask why wilbur will walk weird tomorrow'' schlatt said pulling me to my house.


1163 words. If you have trouble in school please go to talk to someone

bye i hoped nobody cried

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