the kings maid prt 1

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dreambur, king dream knights of dream are sapnap and george.


wilburs pov--

me and techno had a bet. That we all i would lose it, techno and i needed to fight who loses would be maid to the king of dream smp for a month.. im laying to a rock at the moment a bleeding nose and a sword pointed at my throat ''i win ofc!'' my younger brother yell at me putting the sword closer to my throat ''yea yea i know now get that sword away from me i already have a blood nose'' i said annoyed. ''well wil you know what will be waiting for you'' my father said who came by the idea that was the worst part. ''yea yea i know call then that we will be there in 2 hours'' my youngest brother runs in ''ohhhh some cant wait to see his lil prince'' tommy yelled at me ''no i dont i just want that month to be over'' i stand up walking inside the castle. ''oh wil what happend'' my mother asks me while i walk past her ''lost a bet with techno'' and i went to my room. Niki was there waiting for ''looks like were gonna have maidbur'' she said laughing a bit ''well you can babysit tommy now'' i say while grabbing tissues for my nose ''shit i forgot about that'' she helps me with my blood nose. ''wilburrrr'' i hear a low voice calling my name ''i have your outfit'' techno opens the door. ''Thanks now both of you leave so i can change in this horrible outfit'' Niki chuckls and walks out so does do techno. i chance into the dress techno give to me. ''I hate this already'' i say groaning adn walking out my door. i walk downstairs ''pffff'' i hear techno laughing already ''looking good mate'' my father says ''shut'' i say looking away. ''come on lets go! I wanna see teh prince face!'' tommy says happy 

--lil time skip--

we are now infront of the castle of the wastakens our old enemy. my father knocks and the big door opens slowly.

dreams pov--

sapnap and george are training while i watch. then my little sister runs to me ''clay! you will have a new maid over 2 hours!'' i look at her ''What i never agreed with this!'' she laughs ''mom did so deal with it'' and drista runs off again. while i watch her disapears sapnap and george already walked to me ''a new maid?'' sapnap asks ''its probaly like acrazy fan girl again'' george says half lauging ''if it is she will be gone soon'' i say ''CLAY THERE HERE'' my sister yells ''let meet her then'' we walk to the door, and i cant believe my own eyes ''is that philza?'' george whispers to me ''i guess'' i whisper back ''hello queen, my oldest son wanted to be your sons maid for a month'' wait oldest! Does he mean with oldest.. ''meet Wilbur'' philza says. sapnap looks at thinking the exact same as i. Philza pulls Wilbur towards us. he looks red.. he is omg ''clay say hello to your new maid'' i walk toward Wilbur he bows. Wow no maid so far bowed to me. ''Hello Wilbur'' he looks at me and i see techno whisper somethign in his ear.

wilburs pov--

''say hello master clay'' techno whispers to me ''never'' i whisper back ''Wilbur say hello back'' my father says to me. ''Hello clay" I bow down ''Clay show  Wilbur around the castle and get to know each other'' the queen says.''ofcourse mother'' Clay grabs my arm and takes me with him. I see techno and dad waving happy i will kill them when im back. Clay and his knight throw me in a room. It looks like Clays room ''alr WiLbUr'' Clay says to me ''we have some rules were gonna talk about number 1: you listen to me number 2 dont come in my bathroom without an yes as answer'' his knigth gets closer to me ''and last one watch what you say say'' Clay said that last rule in a not trusting way. ''got it'' sapnap says i nod not knowing whatt to say. ''i said GOT IT'' sapnap says again ''g-got it'' george sit down ''now lets get to know you wilbur'' sapnap looks at dream, then they sit down. ''lets start'' george says ''welp im george im dreams knight and im colorblind'' sapnap laughs ''ofc you say that well im sapnap im also dreams knight and i like fire'' dream looks at the wilbur ''well im clay or dream im the prince ofc and uhh idk'' ''im wilbur or wil im dreams maid and i play guitar'' we talk and learn more abt eachother.

3rd person--

a week has passed dream and wilbur goes good together. Wilbur likes it by the wastakens. dream likes to flirts with wilbur and wilbur does it back ofc ''oi maid i dropped my  pen get it for me'' dream said throwing a pen infront of him ''yes sir'' wilbur bends down to get it then dreams grabs his waist and put wilbur close by his dick ''this postioning is so good'' dreams says in a low voice that made wilbur go red. ''lets go swimming maid'' sapnap and george know what dream wants to see. Wilbur and dream get in there swim clothes, dream is already in the water wilbur just sit on the side ''you have worked out soot'' wilbur blushes a little bit ''did it  for me?'' dream said swining closer to wilbur ''no why would i'' dream is between wilburs tight, Wilbur starts to blush. ''ohh someone is red'' sapnap says ''im not shut up'' dream grabs Wilburs waist and pulls him in the water ''WHAT THE HELL DREAM'' wilbur yelled ''dont yell at you  king'' dream said ''sorry your highness'' dream pulls Wilbur under water. Wilbur gets scared. Dream pins wilbur to the bottom. Wilbur panics because he is loosing breathe. dream holds wilbur tighter, Wilbur kicks dream and he gets free and swims up and climbs out of it. dream swims up. ''dude wtf you kicked me!'' dream said while climbing out ''i-im sorry i didnt-'' wilbur got cut of by sapnap ''you cant kick the prince'' sapnap and george grabbed wilbur by his risk. ''w-what are you guys gonna do?'' wilbur got scared on the way sapnap and george grabbed him. ''easy bring him there now'' dream commanded his knights. the two knight take wilbur with them. ''let me go!'. sapnap and george throw Wilbur in a room and lock it. "LET ME OUT'' Wilbur yells.

--lil time skip--

the door slowly opens. ''h-hello?'' wilbur says scared. ''did they lock you up?'' a worried girl voice says. ''yea.'' wilbur says while the girl walks towards Wilbur ''im sorry that my brother and his knights are like this'' she says while grabbing my arm ''holy your really cold'' i look away. The girl eventually looks how Wilbur is dressed ''where is your shirt and jeans?'' she asks ''we went swimming and i pissed dream i mean clay off and they throw me in here'' she looks really mad ''those assholes, come on let go to my room and my butlers will get you clothes'' she says while she jsut drags wilbur along. they arrive in the room of the girl, two younger boys bow down to her ''hello ranboo hello purpled'' she says ''hello drista'' the half endermand says ''get some clothes from my brothers closet'' she says ''yes miss'' the guy in purple say and walks out.


1265 words holy fack well this is part 1 of this story

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