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smut and fluff and topbur (fack you cait!)


sally and wilbur were at the lake like always best place to be when your girlfriend is a fish well she isnt compelety she is a shapshifter. they were just looking around until sally pushed wilbur to the groud and said ''ha im the strongest of us two!'' wilbur laughed and fipped them ''i dont think so darling'' he was ontop of sally. what a wonderful woman does he have lond dark red hair beautifull orange eyes. that looked like fire. she was just perfect. wilbur stood up from sally. he stands up and something jumps on his back. ''bring me home horse!''  wilbur spins and makes a kind of horse sound, and they run towards house. it isnt far just one street away. they arrive at the  house and and a woman stands infront of the door ''where were you guys?'' the woman ask ''we were at the lake miss'' sally says while getting off wilburs back.  ''you guys need to babysit tommy me and a phil are going to a meeting'''wilbur looks at his mother. ''oke'' the 3 walk inside and a boy that is like 11 runs towards them.  ''sally wilby!'' he screams. the couple giggles. ''ready kristen?'' wilburs father comes downstairs in a suit. ''looking good dad'' he looks at his father walking towards his mother ''thank you wil'' wilbur smiles '' were going be nice to each other call us when you need it'' kristen smiles at her 2 sons andher daughter in law. '''we will see you soon mom'' wilbur say the two walk out of the door. sally adn wil sit on the couch just looking for a show to watch till tommy runs in. ''WILBURRR can i got to tubbo????" he jumps infront of them ''let me call mom'' wilbur calls his mother ''hey mom tommy wants to go to tubbo can he?'' he is silents and then says ''oke thank you mom'' he hangs up and turn to his brother ''you can go let schlatt text me when youre there'' his lil brother nodes and runs out. wilbur looks  back at his gf she looked so beautiful in that light. sally sits on wilbur lap facing him. she starts to move. ''mmm sally whats wrong?'' she keeps moving ''nothing~'' wilbur grabs sally waist. ''what do you want darling'' sally looks at wilbur and whispers ''you'' wilbur stands up still holding sally and walks upstairs. wilbur throws sally on the bed. ''i only wanna hear yes sir or daddy oke'' he looks at his girl ''yes sir'' wilbur takes off sallys dress let her only her bra and underwear. wilbur start kissing sallys body. sally let wilbur go. wilbur undresses himself and he takes of the rest of sally clothes. ''ready darling?'' wilbur asks. sally nodes ''use words darlling'' sally looks at wilbur ''yes sir'' wilbur puts slowly his dick inside of sally. sally moans. wilbur put his hole size in and waits so sally can get used to it. ''You say when its to much'' wilbur asks. sally nodes. wilbur start to move in and out of sally. ''wil*aghh*to **ahmmm* much'' sally speak/moans. wilbur doesnt hear sally and goes harder. till sally slapped him ''ow sally!'' wilbur said a lil pissed of to sally.''its to much'' she says again. ''oh god i didnt hear you sorry!'' wilbur says worried ''tell me when you want to stop or go futher'' sally nodes. 

---some minutes later---

''you can go'' sally says. wilbur starts again. he goes slowly harder. some more moans escape from the shapshifter. ''i-im close sally'' wilbur moans out. ''d-do it'' wilbur come. after wilbur cleaned everything up, sally got some clothes from wilbur and wilbur just wears soem sweatpants. they stopped on time bc the door opens.'' wil were home!'' wilbur looked at sally ''quick make your hair wet so it looked like we had a shower!'' they both made their hair wet and went downstairs. ''took the lovebirds a shower'' wilbur dad trying to annoy them. ''yea we did dad'' wilbur says. kristen walks to sally and takes her apart from the rest. ''you look tired sally, what did you two do'' kristen ask sally but she knows what they did. how? her son never wears only sweatpants. ''we watched a movie and took a shower'' sally says a bit nervous. ''mhm you are sure abt it'' kristen looks at sally knowing she is lyin. ''listen sally i know my son and i know you lost your virinty'' sally looks at kristen suprised ''h-how'' she gets really nervous and red. ''wilbur never only wears sweatpants its or a hoodie or a shirt, and because youre wearing his ''shower'' hoodie you guys did something more'' sally still looks suprised. ''wow youre a good mother'' kristen laughs. ''thank you dear'' they walk back to wilbur and phil. phil was holding wilbur, wil knows he is stronger then his dad but just act like he cant get out. ''phil let your son go and let him have some time with his girlfriend (btw they used a condom whil they had seggs) wilbur and sally walks back up and get in bed. ''what do you wanna do'' wilbur says while playign with sallys long hair. ''i wann sleep'' she says. wilbur giggles ''ofc sleepy head'' sally smiles at the name and they fall asleep cuddling.

---next morning-- 

a lil raccoon jumps on wilbur. ''breakfast!!!!!!!!!!!!'' he screams. wilbur grabs the lil boy and pulls him down ''shhh sally is still asleep'' the boy looks at the sleeping woman. ''dont care food!'' he yells again. sally wakes up while tommy runs out of the room. ''moring wil'' a sleepy voice says ''hello sally slept well'' he kisses her forhead ''let get breakfast'' sally nodes and they walk out. wilbur is still in his sweatpants and sally still wearing wilburs hoodie. ''you got a sixpack!'' his lil brother screams. they all laugh. they have breakfast. tommy goes to his friends and wilbur brings sally home and she keeps the hoodie without wilbur knowing.


my dog made me feel single today oh and i think she is gay 

hope you enjoyed it!

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