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its in real life wilbur and sapnap were dating secretly online wilbur wants to suprise sapnap yk just read it oh its smut ofc (my friend are honry dont ask me)


--wilburs pov--

im calling  with my boyfriend and his bestfriend. were talking about the lore thats coming on the dream smp. while they were talking i was packing my stuff in bc im going to Florida to suprise my boyfriend! ''bur wilbur!'' sapnap yells at his microfoon. ''yea!" i looks up to his pc ''what are you doing?'''sapnap asks. ''im packing im going on a trip'' i say while im seeking for something. ''where are you going?'' dream asks. ''florida'' i say happy. shit i should have said that. ''who you gonna meet in florida?'' dream says. fack what do i say ''i have family living there that im gonna meet'' best exucuse wilbur cant be better ''text me when you arrived!'' sapnap says. that lame exucuse worked. ''i will'' i packed my laptop and said goodbye to dream and sapnap. i rushed out of my hous locking everything. i drive to the airport adn get in the plane on time.

-------time skips wilbur arrived in Florida------

--sapnap pov--

im calling with my boyfriend while my bestfriend is standign next to. we talk about upcoming lore. we both see wilbur is doing much so i yelled his name to get hsi attention. it worked after twice yelling his name ''yea!'' comes from my pc ''what are you doing?'' wilbur explain what he is doing and dream asked some other thing. he eventually hangs up. he put my pc of and walked to the living room. he put the tv on while dream is making dinner.

--wilbur pov-- 

i walked for ages well it felt like. i came by a big house. this most be sapnaps and dreams house. i knock in the hope its the right house. i wait and them the door opens a 6 foot tall with dirty blonde hair stands infront of me ''wilbur?'' the man says. i recognize the voice its dream!

--dreams pov--

i was making dinner because sapnap cant cook. then i heard knocking ''i will get it'' i yelled to sapnap and walked to the front door. i opend the door and wilbur was standing there a bit nervous, what i could get he doesnt know how i look. ''wilbur?'' i ask his face turns happy he recognized my voice. ''dream!'' he says.''is sapnap there?'' i look at him ''yea he is''. ''can i come in?'' wilbur asks. ''ofc come in'' wilbur walks in adn i close the door.

--sapnap pov--

dream was at the door talking to someone till he came back with wilbur! i jumped off the couch into wilburs arm. ''babe youre here!'' i yelled without knowing what i said till i hear dream saying ''babe? what did i miss?''. wilbur and i turn red. ''youre dating someone without telling me!'' dream says. ''well yes but i was about to tell you'' i let go off wilbur. ''now sapnap be a gentleman and show youre lover his room'' dream signs that they can sleep in his room bc yea dream has a king size bed. i give wilbur a tour to the house and ends in dreams bedroom.

--wilbur pov-- 

sapnap gave me a tour of the house and we ended in a bedroom with a king size bed and alot of dream fanart. ''is this dreams room?'' i ask. ''yea he told me we could sleep here'' i chuckle ''why cant we sleep in your room?'' sapnap looks away '' i dont have a king size bed'' i giggle and give him a kiss on his forhead. he turns red. 

--3rd person pov--

they have eaten and wilbur and sapnap are in their room. sapnap laying on wilburs lap while wilbur is playing with his boyfriends hair. '' i got something btw for you'' sapnap says in a teasing voice. wilbur looks confused. sapnap gets off wilburs lap and walks over to dreams closet. ''what do you have for me babe?'' wilbur ask curcious. sapnap walks back with a box. ''can you wear it for me? i made it for'' sapnap looked at wilbur with puppy eyes. ''owhhh those eyes.... fine i will'' wilbur grabs the box and walks into the bathroom. 5 minutes later wilbur walk out in a maid dress with cat ears. ''really sap'' wilbur says while lookin at his dress he is wearing. sapnap walks over to wilbur and grabs his waist. ''ive waited for this to long'' sapnap says and start kissing wilbur. sapnap want to explore his lovers mouth but wilbur is not letting him in. sapnap bites wilburs bottom lip so he opens and give sapnap enough to get in. sapnap is exploring wilburs mouth. till they got pulled out by dream. ''sapnap i buyed you a king size bed bc i know you will two end up in facking and i dont want cum on my bed so wait till tomorrow'' dream said. sapnap looked pissed. ''you said i could use your room so let me green bitch'' dream looked at sapnap. ''what about a deal?'' sapnap raised a eyebrow. ''what is it?'' dream smirked and wilbur got a bit scared of the smirk. ''well... we use wilbur as our maid for 24 hours maybe longer if yo do that you can use my room'' sapnap looked at wilbur and then dream ''deal'' wilbur looked at sapnap like he was abt to die. ''great well maid clean the kitchen'' dream said to wilbur. ''i never agreed on it'' wilbur say pissed off  ''listen kitten do what he says or i need punish you~'' sapnap whispers to wilbur but loud enough so dream could hear it. ''oke fine i wil!'' wilbur walks out to the kitchen and does what he got commanded. ''this is gonna be fun man'' dream said

--wilbur pov--

im at the moment in my boyfriends house cleaning the kitchen in a maiddress! like im cute asf but still i dont have the best feeling for it. god my back is killing me. i stand up and walk to the couch and sit down. i hear footsteps coming. i just ignore them bc i know im done with the kitchen. ''oh oh already done'' i hear sapnnap say ''yep'' i say happy. ''who said you could take a break?'' my lover says. ''me my back hurts you know'' my lover and his friend start to laugh ''listen kitten this is your second x at 3 x i need to punish you bc youve been bad then'' sapnap says smirking.

--3rd person--

wilbur needed to do some cleaning and give things to sapnap and dream the loved it when wilbur falled. ''fall one more time and you will have your thrid x''sapnap said laughing.wilbur walked back to the kitchen to set the cups away and walked back. dream let wilbur trip and he fell right infront of sapnap who was standing. wilbur went sit on his knees and looked up. ''owh did kitten fall?'' sapnap said looking down ''god wilbur youre ona  good spot'' dream said.wilbur looked again and saw his eyes fell on sapnap zipper. he turned red. '' youre right dream lets get upstairs kitten'' sapnap says smirking. wilbur stood up and walked after sapnap giving one look at dream. ''no problem wilbur'' wilbur walked in the room looking for sapnap and the heard a door close and locking. ''were alone little slut'' sapnap pushes wilbur on his knees ''be a good kitten and suck'' sapnap looks at wilbur while he nodes. wilbur takes off sapnap pants adn boxer. wilbur start to lick the top of sapnap dick. sapnap grabs wilburs hair and pushes him forwords and backwords (kinda face facking) sapnap moaned at the movements while wilbur was almost choking. sapnap let go off wilbur. ''strip'' a cold voice come from the top. wilbur does what he got asked. he takes off his maidress, he only stands in boxer. ''do i need to prepare you?'' sapnap ask before wilbur could say anything sapnap said ''neh'' adn pushes wilbur on the bed and takes of wilburs boxers. ''i wanted to do this so long'' sapnap says while putting his dick inside wilbur. wilbur moanded of the size. sapnap start to trust into wilbur alot of moans espaced the bottom. ''p-pandas please slower i *agh* cant have *ahhmm** it'' wilbur trys to speak. ''what did you call me?'' sapnap doesnt mind to get called that but wilbur doesnt know. he goes harder into wilbur and hit his protaste. a loud scream comes from wilbur. after the a while they both have cum and sapnap cleaned everything. wilbur got some clothes on from dream. and now the two lovers are cuddling while teh third wheel took a photo of them.


enddd it was rushed at the end lost motivion for this story

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