Walking The Beams

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The house was filled with happy voices as the family and their guests get ready for dinner, Striker was leant back in his seat wheat between his teeth his boot tapping his own chair leg in wait. These were the only times he found it hard to blend in. The happy family feeling wasn't really him and would rather be outside in the fields but his employers always insisted he was there, his eyes cast down to his hands thinking about tomorrow his finger was itching already. Moxxie watches the still farm hand and how he looked like he was being consumed by his mind, maybe under all that bravado sat someone with some thought other than a typical wrath imp, however how he was around Blitz unnerved him.

"hey where is your boss at? she is late"

Lyn says looking at Blitz's empty seat making Striker look up now noticing Moxxie's eyes on him.

"she was in the shower last I heard"

Loona says not looking up from her phone, Joe motions for Striker to go look Striker pushes back his seat so he could stand but stops moving seeing Moxxie stand too.

"maybe I should go get her"

Moxxie says firmly making Striker sneer and Millie look from her husband then to Striker sensing something was off between them.

"you don't trust me? I ain't no peeping tom"

Striker says coldly making Joe look between them too until Blitz enters the room trying to clear her ear by hitting the palm of her hand on her head, all sit at the table once more Striker shooting Moxxie an insulted look as he does, Blitz sits flicking her wet hair back from her face not noticing the glaces across the table. The group eats and few conversation pass over the table Blitz eyes were cold and definitely lost in her own mind as she eats. Striker wipes his mouth with a napkin and stands grabbing his hat off the back of his chair.

"thankyou Lyn, I need to get back now, good evening folks"

Striker says softly placing his hat on his head, Blitz looks over seeing the plate was clear, Joe looks to him.

"I'll help you out in a bit Striker"

Joe says, Striker shakes his head heading for the door.

"no need boss, you stay spend time with your family"

He says, Blitz's eyes look to him as Striker exits out the front door shutting it behind himself gently, Sally Mea huffs looking to her mother.

"ma you need to stop making him come to dinner"

She scolds making Lyn furrow her eyebrow.

"Sally Mea, I'm disappointed in you"

Lyn says and Sally waves her hand to Strikers seat.

"he ain't ever been comfortable being here at dinner and you know that, he only comes to not offend ya, we don't really know that much about him for all you know this could upset him, besides the speed he eats is going make him sick"

Sally states making Joe chuckle lightly.

"I think if the man had a problem he would say it darlin, beside he needs to understand when you work for our family, you are family"

Joe says making Blitz smile a little, she hoped that's how her workers felt to but she had doubts, the sadness in Blitz eyes caught Millie's attention.

"you still have the big stable pa?"

Millie asks and he nods then looks to Blitz with a grin.


Blitz stood on the first level of a fence stroking a large red mare her nails scratching where the bridal would sit a warm smile on her face.

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