Office Drama

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Time passes

Loona places a large mug of hot coffee on Blitz desk to which she gets a grumbled thankyou from the imp, Blitz was lent back in the chair looking a little pail.

"you look like shit"

Loona says to which Blitz throws up her middle finger with irritated look on her face, Moxxie enters the office without knocking for once in his life followed by Millie shouting at him to stop. Moxxie looks to Blitz chuckles clearly in pain leaning back in her chair once more.

"we need to talk sir"

Moxxie growls out and Millie enters looking slightly panicked Blitz was just staring at the ceiling.

"Loona will take a message"

Blitz says weakly putting her feet up on the deck with an uncomfortable sigh, Millie looks around the room finding it weird she was sitting mostly in darkness.

"just because you have a hangover doesn't mean you get a free pass for what you did last night, you followed me and Millie! you even involved Stolas to get you in was it really necessary?"

Moxxie spits this is when Blitz looks at him her eyes narrowed.

"oh and it did me so many fucking favours didn't it?"

Blitz says bitterly making Moxxie remember how she and Stolas got publicly humiliated, Blitz growls using her foot to kick herself away from the desk with a crunch of the wood making Moxxie step back.

"I have my problems Mox, news flash"

Blitz growls her boots stamping the floor as she hops out her seat stalking to him, her own shadow casting over him making him walk backwards.

"what were you thinking going to lust lounge anyway? I didn't see anyone else sticking up for your marriage when the Prince of lust was on the scene"

Blitz hisses her words sharp and personal this wasn't like Blitz and it was worrying Millie, Moxxie was just watching Blitz.

"so blame me if you like, like it fucking matters right? you know what you can shove your..."

Blitz stops suddenly before Moxxie could say anything she was back behind her desk on her knees emptying her stomach into the trash can, Moxxie looks to Millie who walks to Blitz and moves her hair away as she retches rubbing circles in her back.

"that's the third time this morning, you must have drunk way too much"

Loona says crossing her arms over her chest, Blitz breathes heavily.

"I told you I didn't drink last night!"

Blitz gets out before retching again Millie looked concerned, Moxxie opens the office door and unlocks the office bathroom door, Blitz body calms and stops constricting so Millie helps her to the bathroom. Blitz washes her face in the sink with a groan Millie looks at Blitz she had got a little weight on her hips recently but Blitz's weight would bounce all the time due to her drinking and smoking.

"B do you and Stolas use protection?"

Millie says making Loona and Moxxie blush and Blitz side eye her through her fingers as she washes her face.


Moxxie scolds and Millie looks to Moxxie pulling her hand on her hips.

"is it that much of stretch? think about it sleeping in the office, she said a few days ago her boobs were killing her and now she is being sick"

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