Hold On

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Blitz screams rolling off the table but lands on her knees holding her leg the shot had clipped her bad making her leg stiff. Moxxie was already out the way when he looked back seeing Blitz on the floor, the chandelier drops ripping the electrics out the ceiling stunting it's movement downward. Striker had already jumped to another his eyes watching as it tumbles towards Blitz and the others.

"Get out of the way"

Striker hisses watching as Blitz struggled to move. Harrow holds up her hand the metal burning away so when it reaches them pieces of decorative glass rains down on them not enough to hurt anyone. Shots fire on Verosika and her crew forcing them back behind the buffet table from the third balcony. Stolas kicks over the table blocking Blitz from another shot from the wolf on the second floor. Mary grabs a fork testing their weight as Moxxie starts firing back at the male hound keeping him pinned using the flipped table as cover.
Mary grabs a few knifes twirling one in her fingers as Striker was cutting another of the release ropes, her left eye shimmers and shutters focusing on her target.

"my turn"

She launches a knife up it whips past Striker's face embedding in to ceiling, Harrow notices this as Mary throws more forcing Striker to move. Harrow focusing her eyes on the flying cutlery heating them as they fly, Striker hears the unholy hissing of the metal as it whizzes past him. He runs for the third floor balcony for cover, one nicks his foot making him stumble at his jump he flings himself chest first into the balcony rail with a grunt before scrambling up about to climb over the rails as a knife gets him in the ribs, he shouts in pain falling out of sight in the darkness of the third floor.

"Got him!"

Mary shouts as Blitz pours a little bit of gel on her leg and lights it with her lighter making her snarl in pain as the flesh burns, she slaps the burn putting out the flame sealing the wound.
A hound is thrown from the second floor followed by Millie who tries to bury her axe in in him, Blitz shrugs off her coat quickly losing anything that will slow her down, she had to stop Striker before he got moving again. Moxxie was now firing on the she hound on the third floor trying to help Verosika crew, Vortex skids into Blitz's cover checking her shoulder.

"you alright?"

Vortex asks and Blitz nods and points at the third floor.

"think you can give me a boost?"

Blitz asks and Vortex nods standing leaning against the upturned table locking his fingers together nodding he was ready, Blitz gets up running from Vortex before circling a table to run back for him she jumps placing her foot in his hands which pushes her up clear over the table. The male hound breaks though the crowd lunging for Blitz his jaws missing her boot, her momentum to fast and high for him to catch. Kaine tumbles into a roll over the top of the flipped table making Moxxie back up to Stolas with Railman who was knelt, the hound launched his metal jaws open wide at Railman who uses a broken chair leg to block Kaine. He thrashes his head throwing Railman to the floor away from the others, Harrow was knocked over by a noble running past and Mary couldn't see there were too many panicking demons. Moxxie raises his gun as the hell hound charges to them on all fours, Vortex knew he wouldn't reach them in time. Stolas covers Moxxie's eyes with a flash of red the hound was pure stone, Stolas had covered Moxxie's eyes in fear that the shine of the gun would have reflected back the ability on Moxxie too.

Blitz claws her way over the railing pulling her gun as she walks to where Striker was last seen, she sees the knife on the floor nearby covered in black blood, a hand grabs Blitz wrist she turns firing her pistol missing her attacker. Striker turns her and pins her to a pillar slamming the pistol out her hand and kicks it away, both huffing tired and hurt.

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