Dog Fight

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Two and half weeks had passed and it was the night of the Feather Flock Ball, Blitz and Stolas enter many watched them as they do, whispers and hushed voices grow in the hall. Blitz was wearing tight black jeans that bunch up around her boots, her pistol strapped to her leg the gold of the grip shining from under her coat as she walks due to it being undone. She wore a black shirt like normal the large blessed rifle was strapped to her back which was the main reason everyone was looking. Stolas was wearing his normal fancy attire hat and all including his star cape his eyes dart around the others they pass Blitz eyes were cold and focused.

"the target and LB has entered the hall"

A hellhound says over a mic watching from a balcony.

"none of the others?"

Striker's voice crackles over the ear piece so the hound adjusts the dial.

"nah just her, she has the rifle too, where are you anyway?"

The hound asks and Striker chuckles something was making a scratching sound over his mic.

"Kaine I didn't hire you and Felicity to hold ya hands, do you job and you'll get ya pay"

Striker says harshly and Kaine checks his gun.

"yeh yeh, just hard to trust a guy I ain't met"

Kaine says placing into two metal guards in his mouth which match his teeth, he opened and closed his mouth checking the bite on the metal teeth. His eyes drawn back to the hall were he sees Stella enter making a b line for Stolas and the mic squeal being knocked out, Kaine flinches and the line goes dead.

"are you sure about this?"

Stolas says coming to a stop making Blitz stop too as she looks up to him.

"don't worry I won't let him kill you, okay?"

Blitz says trying to be nice but was she was truly nervous and turns looking around the room.

"besides we are ready for it this time"

"it's not me I'm worried about Blitz"

Stolas says a little like a sulking child making her look to him with raised eyebrow, Stolas smiles softly.

"I know Blitz, the little female imp told me"


Blitz drawls taking the rifle off her back checking the chamber, this now being the seventh time she had checked, Stolas huffs crossing his arms.

"I don't agree with you being here but I know you for some reason need to be here"

"because they would know something was off if I wasn't here"

Blitz snaps back and Stolas grabs her shoulder so she looks at him surprised by the bold move in front of the other nobles.

"you mean something to me Blitz so I will be there for you, if you let me"

Stolas says softly a slight comfort in his voice, Blitz sighs.

"fine but, uh can we talk about this later?"

Blitz asks feeling eyes all on them and he nods leaning up in time to see Stella approach anger burning in her eyes, more turn to face the show about to start. Stella opens her arms fingers spread a sneer on her mouth.

"come one come all to the greatest show Prince Stolas, the cheating help fucker, this is a class event why is it here?"

She mocks and Stolas holds his hands in front of himself trying to keep calm.

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