Pain Games

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Moxxie, Striker and Blitz stand in the crowd of imps, the sun was hot on their skin Blitz yawns stretching her arms behind her back with a soft hum, she huffs feeling that dull ache the morning after sex but she didn't regret it. Stolas's eyes find hers making her cross her arms, for some reason she felt bad in that moment and didn't know why. It wasn't like they are together besides it was just a deal an exchange of services, damn it made her sound like a hooker.

"good luck to you all! especially that sexy one there"

Stolas coos making a few imps frown and makes Blitz stiffen in surprise.

"you hooo Blitzy"

Stolas calls wiggling his fingers at her in a wave making her grimace, Striker grins at the nic name with amusement.

"uhh fuck me"

Blitz groans in embarrassment, Wally Wackford motions for all the competitors to a long piece of rope, all three of them walk with the crowd of imps taking their starting positions Blitz looks to Moxxie.

"you sure about this Mox?"

She asks slightly worried, he was so commited to proving himself to his in-laws, he nods firmly Blitz looks to Striker who was playing with some wheat between his teeth, he walks closer and leans in tipping his hat back.

"good luck miss boss, don't forget our wager"

He whispers making Moxxie look to them Blitz grins confidently.

"ain't no luck in it when your this good"

Blitz says making Striker chuckle straitening up facing forward as does Blitz, the gun sounds setting everyone off immediately Blitz and Striker were ahead of the pack, Striker being the slightly faster of the two scales up the large wooden wall with good speed, using her momentum to run at the wall Blitz's boot catches a plank propelling her up then uses Striker to vault the top making him grunt in surprise as she hurtles over him. She lands rolling to break her fall winking at him before taking off to the next obstacle. Striker brings his legs up to the top of the wall pouncing off the top after her, the small advantage Blitz gained was being lost due to his speed. Stolas leans forward in his seat unsure which was going to make it first, Wally was just as interested.

"I say, I say they are fast"

Wally says in admiration as Blitz and Striker throw themselves over the obstacles.

"who is that?"

Stolas asks softly and Wally taps his cane on the floor not sure which one the prince meant.

"well, the female imp in front is Blitzo, runs killing business down in imp city"

Wally says simply Stolas raise an eyebrow at him using the o in Blitz name, Wally turns his head to the side looking at Striker.

"the other I don't know maybe a farm hand or land owner?"

Wally guesses and Stolas narrows his eyes.

"in white?"

Stolas asks which makes Wally think for a minute also becoming curious, he taps a lever with his cane making a log drop down into the obstacle course it was too close and high for Blitz to jump without hitting it and losing speed, she goes to her knees her speed powering her into a skid under the log her face just missing it as she leans back, Striker leaps over the log their eyes catching as Blitz skids across the line and Striker dives over her.


Wally shouts as imps in the stands shout cheers the dust kicks up around them as they both come to a stop, other imps cross the line after them Blitz stands brushing away the dust, her tights were totally shredded around the knees making some imps whistle Striker looks at the holes and chuckles.

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