Lost Property

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Blitz stills in her seat Striker's arms were tence but the two holding him have him no moment room at all, Felicity taps Valentinos shoulder making him look to her.

"Yes babe?"

He purrs, Stolas mind wildly flaps in panic trying to come to a bloodless end to this reeling nightmare.

"So your saying"

Stolas blurts out drawing back Valentino's eyes every looks to the bird prince the air was tence.

"If he tells you where your traitor is you'll let him go?"

Stolas says and Valentino thinks for a moment and grins crossing his legs opening his arms showing his mercy.

"I don't see why not"

He says they all turn to Striker who lowers his head the brim of his hat hiding his eyes.


Blitz snaps but he shakes his head Valentino looks back to Felicity who opens her mouth tapping her fang with her nail, Valentino turns back looking at Striker trying to understand her gesture.

"Bring him in to the light, I need to see him"

Valentino says guarded Striker trys to dig in his heels but was moved forward anyway when one of the imps notices his gold fang and grabs his chin.

"This guy is marked"

The imp says forcing open Striker's mouth open showing the gold tooth to all, the other imp ripped the hat off Striker's head making Valentino sit on the edge of his seat looking over Striker.

"Fuck! ain't this Razer?!"

One demon says in disbelief Striker's eyes are drawn to Valentino who stares back a slow sick grin covers his face, Stolas looks between them.

"I don't understand"

Stolas says Valentino stands so Striker flinches violently back his eyes glaring at the overlord.

"It seems the assassin and traitor is one and the same, he maybe taller and stronger than what he was but this imp is my Razer"

Valentino purrs and Striker snarls still trying to free himself, Blitz was gripping her coat her knuckles white.

"I ain't nothing to do with you!"

Striker spits, Valentino chuckles lightly sitting then motions with a hand in a shooing motion to Stolas and the I.M.P crew.

"Thankyou for your assistance majesty, I have what I need"

Valentino says coldly but with a pleased grin looking to Striker checking it was him again though he was very sure, in a way he was surprised by the imp. Once upon a time he was a spineless thing and wouldn't dare to speak against him. Now something he was sure he was going to enjoy fixing him all over again.

He feels something grab ahold of the fluff off his jacket making him look forward to only see rage filled eyes. The angelic pistol digs into Valentino's cheek the crazed glare from the I.M.P boss even made him freeze in his seat. Stolas cluches his chest seeing Blitz stood over Valentino's lap aiming her gun without a second thought for herself, Striker's eyes widen knowing this could get ugly very quickly.

"Blitz don't!"

Striker growls out the command, Valentino sees Striker's voice reach her however she was being driven by something else, something much more dangerous.

"Releace him"

She demands her voice only loud enough for them to hear then it all clicks for Valentino, the reason why she would protect him and why Stolas was not claiming the child as his.

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