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A month passed and Striker was true to his word, he had caused nothing but problems for the overlord.

A smash was heard from Valentino's office making workers and patrons alike look to the office on the second floor which had a big window along the whole office, currently the blinds were shut. Alot of movement and banging had been heard from the office since Valentino had arrived.

"Tsk, don't know why he bothers that one ain't going to break"

The bar man says a female demon called Phillie who was painting Angel's nails hums in agreement, Angel felt bad for the imp he had managed to get out once now only to be trapped again.

"He bit Val's hand yesterday, what a mess"

Phillie says shivering slightly the wound was deep and messy at the time.

"What's the point in keeping him if he can't even fuck him? Maybe he called razer because he'll cut ya up"

Barman says with a sigh and she shrugs Angel look to him.

"That ain't it, way back when Razer was younger he was one of Val's favourites took him every where. One night some demon trys to end Valentino. On the camera you see the guy enter his room and Razer comes out their bathroom hearin somthin, the guy trys to convince Razer it all for the best that he will even take him out of that place"

Angels says placing a cigarette in his mouth, the bar man and Phillie watching keenly.

"You see Razer wasn't allowed to be alone, he had tried to kill himself a few times and everyone knew he was sufferin I'm guessin that's why the demon offered to help him, low and behold Razer attacks the guy slitting his throat with a tiny piece of mirror. Val guess he got it from their bathroom panning to try again but it seems that he was so scared of Val finding out he was trying to kill himself again he killed the guy trying to play off he had got the mirror for defence"

Angel says and Phillie looks to the office.

"The devil wept, how bad do you have to hurt someone for them to fear you that bad?"

The bar man asks all of their eyes snapping to the window seeing a imps back slam against the glass ripping one of the blinds down, Valentino steps into the light grabbing the imp by the neck dragging him forward into what looked like a kiss but he flinches back dabbing his bloody lip before throwing Striker across the room out of sight of the window with a loud crash.

"He ain't afraid of him no more"

Phillie purrs with a happy smile not for Striker's pain but that he was standing up to Valentino, a shout was heard from the office then a gun shot lit the room making all their eyes widen. All was still in the bar till the office door opens Valentino exits pistol in one hand and another gripping his shoulder blood soaking the white fluff collar of his coat.

"Did he kill him?"

"Doubt it"

Angel whispers standing as his boss approaches and takes Angel's vacated seat, Phillie trys to gently peal away the fabric Valentino lifts his hand relveiling a deep bite with some flesh ripped away.

"Fucking mongrel, I should have had his teeth shaved"

Valentino spits the bar man passed him an drink as he looks over the wound, as Valentino downs his drink.

"Angel get up there and make sure he isn't bleeding to death"

Angel nods was surprised he had accually shot him, Angel gets up the stairs quickly and pushed open the doors seeing the mess everywhere. This has got to be their worst fight yet his eyes drew to the pair of legs laid on the floor behind Valentino's desk.

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