Damn Mess.

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Striker aims down the sights of the rifle with a sick chuckle, other than Moxxie finding the rifle which was his own stupid fault after staying too long with Blitz after the games, then Millie nearly cutting his throat things had mostly gone well.
He knew that he had blown it for pretending that he didn't know who killed Stolas and he had no idea how he was going to deal with Blitz if she finds her workers first. It was no matter for now he was already flying by the seat of his pants so he will deal with her later, his finger rests on the trigger ready to fire.

"ecuse me? the fuck?!"

Blitz growls angrily Striker's eyes widen and dart left to right in panicked thought then narrow coming to a plan so he turns to face her with a happy grin. She looked very angry, part of him felt awful for this but his work mind kicked those feelings into a box, locked it away and threw it in the river.


He says cheerfully noticing the pistol aimed at him.

"I thought you were still at the ceremony"

Striker says motioning with his thumb behind him as he lowers the rifle and she raises an irritated eyebrow.

"you thought I wanted to stand around with a bunch of hillbillies getting excided about corn and shit, with a thirsty owl on stage?"

Blitz scolds gritting her teeth throwing up every wall she had only letting her anger show. Striker felt really stupid now thinking she would have stayed there he had been reckless, now he would have to try a defuse this nightmare she looked ready to kill him, he leans the rifle up against the wall.

"now you seem disappointed in me"

Striker says cooley leaning against the window keeping a calm body movements, the last thing he needed was her popping off a shot and alerting the whole farm to a fight, if he was honest with himself he didn't want to fight Blitz.

"yeh, well I'm not a fan of someone I offered a job to about to off my easiest lengthy ticket to earth behind my back"

She spits out in anger which was gaining speed towards an explosive point with how calm he was being.

"Blitz come on"

Striker says pushing him self off the window.

"you know the two of us are superior than most of our kind"

Striker says and starts stalking towards Blitz making her back up raising her gun up a little more trying to keep them at arms length, Moxxie at this moment heads upstairs quietly he could hear Striker's voice talking to someone, there was a small thud against the wall near the door, Moxxie peaks in the room to see Blitz leant up against the wall with Striker leant over her.
Moxxie sneaks across the room watching as Striker was manipulating Blitz and by the look in her eyes it was working, for once in his life Moxxie could see fear and weakness in her eyes. Moxxie gets to the gun and then he sees it Blitz makes a peace sign to him letting him know she sees him, Moxxie raises his gun ready to aim.

"you know what fuck it, I'm in"

Blitz says with a toothy grin making Striker grin pleased with this out come he was about to lean in for a kiss until he hears a click behind him, looking over his shoulder he sees Moxxie holding the rifle.

"took you long enough Mox!"

Blitz says her voice had a slight tremble at the start Striker narrows his eyes at Moxxie, he couldn't believe it if that damn idiot had not escaped Blitz would have agreed, he knew it she was leaning on his words desperate to be free.

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