Chipped And Cracked.

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Blitz walks through the dark hallway the only sound was her own steps.


She calls hearing a growl behind her she turns being grabbed by the neck, she grits her teeth seeing Striker step closer he walks forward walking her backwards by force.

"you lost again Blitzy"

He mocks as Blitz see they pass Millie and Moxxie holding eachother who look away before walking away, disappearing into a light.

"you can't seem to keep anyone by your side can you?"

Striker questions as Loona passes them holding her arms for her chest, ears pressed against her head.

"thinkin this would last they don't need you, you just collected them forcing them into your mould of a family"

Striker stops and Blitz foot nearly slips off the edge of a dark abyss, she looks with her eyes which widen in fear she looks back to him to see Stolas was now holding her neck and Striker turns his blade in his hand.

"I'll be damn if you think your keeping this to destroy it too"

Striker says as her slashes at her stomach Blitz cries out in pain but there was no sound, she couldn't see what he was doing because Stolas's firm hand on her neck kept her looking up, Striker grins pulling off his bandanna and wraps something before resting the bundle on his chest. Stolas leans her further back the toes of her boots barely touching the floor.

"your no longer required"

Stolas voice says coldly Stella stood behind him wrapping her arms his shoulders, he lets Blitz go darkness covers her vision.


Blitz sits bolt upright in a bed screaming out is terror her eyes stinging with tears, her fingers gripping the sheets tightly. Her sudden movement and cry made the whole room jump, Blitz breathes heavily her body trembling her eyes dart around the room to see Loona sat on a window ledge her ears perked up looking back. Millie and Moxxie stood by her near a set of glass doors, her eyes move across the room to see Stolas stood with Lady Harrow who was handing him a box, his eyes firmly on Blitz with shock.
Blitz was confused realising she was in Stolas room in his mansion, then she looks to see herself partly in the mirror on the bedside table. She winces reaching for it Stolas steps forward grabbing it and brings it closer for her which she takes.


Blitz says her voice horse and weak, Stolas sits carefully on the bed beside her placing the box on his lap, Loona stands slowly. Blitz looks in the mirror to see she was sporting a very large black eye a few dots of bruising along her jaw and cheek then she realizes she was in her bra and underwear.

"was it so hard to let me keep my clothes this time?"

Blitz asks looking to Stolas who chokes a happy laugh wiping under his eyes quickly and Loona grins.

"glad to hear your still an asshole"

Loona says making Blitz smile looking to her daughter who didn't have a scratch on her which pleased her, Moxxie smiles brightly and Millie comes forward reaching over the high bed to take her hand which Blitz takes happily.

"you scared the shit out of us this time B"

Millie scolds making Blitz chuckle lowering the mirror to see the tip of her left horn was gone.


Blitz says slightly upset Lady Harrow walks to the bed.

"it may take a while but it will grow back, I know someone very skilled at dyeing horns if you don't want the scar colour showing"

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