Marvelous Weight (Captain Marvel)

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(Captain Marvel)
(Fat Captain Marvel X Male Reader)
(Art by Kawiidebu)

POV Captain Marvel

Have you ever tried to walk down a park with your husband who you love with all your heart and no one else but rarely see him because you are a superhero who constantly leaves only to be bombarded with clingy fans while weighing half a ton? If you have then you know what I have to go through every week while my hubby is all alone. If you haven't then I am glad you don't and I will tell you my experience that o go through.

I have an amazing life with my husband Y/N who I wouldn't change for the world... except maybe for all my fans. Listen I love you guys but they constantly ask me millions of questions whenever I leave my house to get a 5 lb cheeseburger.

They would ask stuff like, "how is your life here in New York," or, "when will you go back to being a fit superhero," which isn't bland at all of them talking about my weight or worse, "leave that other kid Y/N and date me. I will make you the happiest woman in the world."

Whenever someone's asks me that I punch them into the building breaking the building and I fly out. Maybe that's why no one has asked me that question in a while. Although that still doesn't stop them from asking other questions about me and especially my relationship.

I have been married to Y/N for 5 years. After we beat Thanos and sadly lost Tony we met up and we got hitched. We would do everything together, eat ice cream, play with each other not the dirty way, have movie night while I snuggle up to him head on shoulder with a very soft blanket, and eat.

I must eat about 70 lb's of food each day to keep my hunger from being fatal. I like to eat only when Y/N snuggles up to me while rubbing my belly that sticks out about 3 in from me and spoon feeds me. I like to feel like me and him are in our own little world while I am all cheery.

My t*ts, *ss, and legs are all about the same size which is nothing to sweat over as they are so snug in my classic marvel suit. I am still a decent hero and can still be Thor in a fight any day but I don't really try as much as I used to. I just eat and snuggle with Y/N.

After all of that there wasn't any galactic or avenger level threat for me to deal with or it was so pathetic and small that it wasn't worth flying there. I heard that there was something about spider man and elemental creatures but then I believe that he beat them so it's fine.

I occasionally meet up with Fury to simply hang and out as well as talk about the status of me being a superhero. The problem is that Nock isn't someone to want to 'hang out' with people unless it's about business. So I never met up with him often but we were still friends.

So instead I opted to hanging out with Y/N all the time like 24/7. I don't mean to intentionally but I can be a little bit clingy and controlling to my loved one. Now hold on! I don't mean to but sometimes if he nearby me or is talking to someone else... I tend to... deal with the problem head on.

I think it's because I had good friends who have passed away and some betrayed but for whatever reason of Y/N is talking to someone that isn't an employee for a fast food place, I start to get p*ssed off. I will grab his arm and fly out of there and take us back to our home.

He has commented on the fact that he would never even consider the idea of breaking up with me or cheating on some stupids h*e many times, I still feel suspicious when someone talks to him and my insecurities show.

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