My 600 lb Wife (Wonder Woman)

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(Wonder Woman)
(Fat Wonder Woman X Male Reader)
(Art by Elek - tronikz)


"Hey Diana?" I called out to my wife as I heard struggle to breathe in her room.

"WHAT!? *PUFF*. CANT YOU SEE I AM TIRED?!" Diana yelled.

"Sorry but I can't find our food. Do you know where it went. I could've sworn I bought a ton of food just yesterday?"

"I *BOOOOOOOUUURP* ate it all," she said her belch echo he's through the halls as I stood their angry but trying to hold in my rage, "I got hungry and I just couldn't help myself."

I took in deep breathes to myself," did you leave anything?"


"Then what am I supposed to now with no food!"

She then had the audacity to say to me, "well if you buy the food for me then guess who's fault is it? Because it isn't my fault for getting so big. Someone is buying the food and it isn't me."

I wanted to go to her and pull her hair and yell at her but I think that would go to far. I'M THE PROBLEM?! No no no. She is the one who can't control her d*mn weight! It's not my fault she has gotten to the state that she has. Right. No. It's all her fault. I'm the victim here.

I pulled it together and I went to her room to confront her about the problem. I got closer and I could smell the gaging and rancid smell. It's truly a miracle that my nostrils haven't burned out yet.

The smell was like if you took a dead fish and junk food and left it to rot all combined together. I can't believe how much of a wh*re she has become. She just isn't the same as when we first met. I don't know what happened.

We met years ago and she was the sweetest person ever. She helped with my problems and in return I would help her. We went on dates that ended with us having a great time and having a romantic kiss under the sweet moon with the stars glowing at their brightest.

Do you know how pretty the stars were at that moment when both of us realized we wanted the same thing out of each other. I couldn't care less because the only thing I saw fit for the word gorgeous was the woman of my dreams.

I guess it's all fake. Because after all this time this is my life now. With me arguing with my wife, running out of food constantly, and her being the worst person alive. I loved her. I still do but it's becoming harder and harder to say whether or not that's true still. I want to take care of her but at the rate it's going I don't think I can. I just don't know what to do.

I opened the door more so I could walk in and shed more light onto her and see just how much of a slob she has become. All her clothes were ripped to shreds with only fragments of it remains on her. Boxes, plates, XXL drinks, and containers of empty food all over emphasizing how much she has eaten. With her wheezing as her t*ts moved up and down making her jiggle.

I looked over and saw mere remnants of her past life lying in the corner. I saw her 'Sword of Athena' lying there to rust metaphorically because I don't think it can but it can certainly close the dust. Her 'Lasso of Truth' there hanging on the side of her humongous bed left there for dead and never to be used. I saw pictures of us being happy and her not being a b*tch. That's going to far I know but that's what she has turned into. She was still big but it was never her being big, just her losing what made her my Diana.

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