How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying

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It took a while for the scientists to calm down. Luckily, they were in New York, so four adults running and screaming from the New York Public Library didn't draw a lot of attention.

Ray and Peter walked together across Columbia University's campus, the school they all taught at. Egon lingered behind, typing away at his calculator, not really watching where he was walking. Genevieve walked by him, sneaking glances at him whenever he was looking down at his work. Peter glanced over his shoulder once and caught her, waggling his eyebrows at her. She ignored him, looking at the floor.

"Hmph", Egon mumbled.

"What?" she asked, looking back up at him.

"If my calculations are correct, we have a chance of catching a ghost and holding it indefinitly." he explained, showing her his calculator. She took it from his hand, looking at it, pretending to understand what his jumble of numbers meant. She made a focused expression and nodded impressively, then handed him back his calculator. They both looked ahead and noticed Ray and Peter had stopped walking for a moment. Egon caught up with the other men, explaining his findings to Ray. Ray and Egon began walking together, Genevieve following slowly behind them and Peter stood back, taking in Egon's calculations.

"If the ionization rates are high enough, we could really bust some heads!" Ray said excitedly, before adding, "In a spiritual sense, of course."

Peter caught up with the group, "Spengs, you're really serious about this catching ghosts stuff?"

Egon stopped walking, saying to Peter in a monotone voice, "I'm always serious."

"Egon, I'm gonna take back some of things I've said about you." he said, waving a candy bar in front of Egon's face. You wouldn't guess it by looking at him, but Egon Spengler was a huge lover of junk food. In college, he had a new found love for it after growing up in a strict household. His pantries were littered of Cheeze-It boxes, candy bars, Twinkies, and the occasional box of sugary cereal. Egon kept his eyes on the Crunch bar as Peter waved it in front of his face, trying to grab at it once. Peter finally handed it to Egon, saying, "You've earned it."

Ray and Genevieve laughed as they watched Egon happily unwrap the chocolate and savor it as they continued their walk back to their offices. His fingers were covered in melted chocolate and there were small traces of it on his cheeks and around his lips. He was quickly licking his fingers as they approached Weaver Hall, where their offices were. Genevieve stopped Egon, licking her thumb and wiping off a spot of chocolate on his cheek. They both shared a blush and then followed Peter and Ray up the stairs.

Genevieve looked at their office door, that had "Venkman burn in hell!" written in red letters on it. It was probably a male student who did that. Peter was very popular among the female student body, for his good looks and charm, but not so much with the males. It wasn't uncommon for a female student to cancel a date with one of her classmates for a "study session" with Dr. Venkman. It was nice that Peter was somewhat liked by their students, the same couldn't be said for the others. Ray was notorious for rambling during his lectures instead of actually teaching and all of the students thought Egon was the weird science professor who always assigned hard homework and assignments. Genevieve wasn't quite sure how her students felt about her, having only taught for two years. She was fairly young, in her early thirties, so she did have the occasional flirty student who would bug her. Other than that, she was completely in the dark about her teaching abilities. Regardless, she opened the door, allowing the men to go in first.

"Hey, Dean Yaeger!" Ray said excitedly, as the four walked into their shared office, which was full of movers taking out their equipment.

"I assume you're moving us to better facilities on campus." Peter said, eyeing a mover as he pushed a large cart of mainly Ray and Egon's equipment.

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