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Ray groaned, dragging his feet up the stairs. He looked at the floor number, "22? Is this it?"

"Yep." Peter called from the back.

The four men groaned as they stepped onto the 22nd floor. They slowly began walking down the hall, still dragging their feet out of exhaustion. They passed broken down doors and claw marks on the walls. The floor itself was absolutely littered with what they assumed was the resident's personal belongings, things like papers, clothes, even children's toys.

They approached Dana Barrett's apartment, or what was left of it. The door fell down as soon as Peter's hand grazed the doorknob. Inside her apartment was much worse than the hallway. The interior was black and burnt, leaving the scent of burnt wood and smoke in the air. The kitchen door was wide open, showing a new staircase that led to the roof. Peter let the other three men go up the stairs first, taking one last glance at Dana's apartment. He took a deep breath and began walking up the stairs.

They walked out onto the building's roof, seeing Dana and Louis for the first time in hours. They each stood on their own pedestals, shaking violently with their arms raised in the air. Thunder and lightning boomed around them.

Peter tried calling out, "Dana!"

With a flash of lightning, her and Louis transformed into Terror-Dogs, looking over at the Ghostbusters and growling at them. The dogs hopped off their pedestals and ran up the stairs of the Temple of Gozer. The Ghostbusters walked over, standing directly in front of the temple. There was a large, white triangle with two large doors that led inside. Smoke and fog emitted from the temple, covering the ground. Bright light began to surge from the temple as the doors opened.

"Oh, God." Ray groaned, staring at Gozer in horror. "It's, no it can't possibly be-"

"Genevieve." Peter said, staring at his friend in shock.

What Peter had joked about in the jail cell was no longer a joke but instead reality. In between Zuul and Vinz stood Genevieve. It wasn't her, of course it wasn't. Like she had described to Winston, it was an evil looking version of her. Her normally tame, auburn hair was now wild, blowing in the wind, framing her face perfectly. She wore a futuristic, white catsuit. It was covered in glowing, white orbs and spears. Her eyes were completely red as she stared out at the four men in front of her, showing no recollection of her relationship with them.

Gozer began walking over to the terror dogs, petting them each with loving care. The dogs purred as her long fingernails ran across their heads.

"I thought Gozer was a man." Winston said, staring at the woman he once knew in disbelief.

"It's whatever it wants to be." Egon replied.

"Well friend or not, she's gotta get by us." Peter said.

Ray agreed, nodding.

"Go get her, Ray!" Peter shouted, turning to Ray. He nodded assuringly, making Ray slowly walk up the temple's stairs.

"Gozer the Gozerian!" Ray shouted, getting Gozer's attention. "Good evening. As a duly designated representative of the city, county and state of New York, I order you to cease any and all supernatural activity and return forthwith to your place of origin or to the nearest convenient parallel dimension."

Peter rolled his eyes, "That oughta do it! Thank you very much, Ray."

Gozer looked at Ray coolly before asking, "Are you a god?"

Ray looked behind him to Peter, who nodded back at him. Ray turned back to Gozer, shrugging before saying, "Well, no."

Gozer turned it's upper torso and hands towards the temple, saying, "Then die!". It turned around with full force, purple lightning shooting from it's fingertips, sending the Ghostbusters flying backwards, barely missing falling off the edge of the building.

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