Evil Woman

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Author's Note : Sorry, this chapter is pretty short and mainly filler. The big stuff is coming up. Word Count - 906

Winston paced around the jail cell, trying to get every passing officer's attention. He was starting to question whether or not his career was worth being thrown in the can. Over the past week, he had been worked down to the bone, hardly having time to sleep or visit his wife and children at home. He didn't even know his coworkers very well, he just knew the basics. Ray was the heart, Peter was the mouth, Egon was the brains, Genevieve was the soul. He liked the people he worked with, don't misunderstand that. He had gotten the closest with Ray, but he had a conversation with Genevieve two nights ago, when they worked the day shift together, that was replaying in his mind as he paced the jail cell.

Genevieve looked out the window as she and Winston sat in the rush hour traffic. The driver's window was rolled down, her left arm hanging out. Winston was smoking, reading the paper. She glanced over at him, eyeing the cigarette. He noticed the woman's stare, taking his box out of his pocket and held it up to her. She politely declined.

"Ah yeah, you don't smoke. My bad, forgot." He said, tucking the white box back in the safety of his pocket.

"I used to, I'm quitting. It's being a bitch." She sighed, looking back out the window.

Winston laughed.

"What's so funny?"

"You know, I won't tell Egon if you have one cigarette." He smirked.

She huffed, reaching into his pocket, snatching one and lighting it quickly. She sighed with relief as she exhaled smoke.

He laughed as he watched her relax with the cigarette in her mouth. "What's your deal anyways? You gonna ask him out or just continue to torture yourself?"

"We have a date, Thursday night." She paused, taking a drag of the cigarette before resuming. "I think I might cancel."

"What? Why?"

"I keep having this dream. It's more of a nightmare really. Funny, you think someone who spends her days dealing with every demon someone could think of wouldn't have nightmares anymore."

"What's the dream about?" He asked, placing his newspaper in his lap.

She looked at him, then back at the road, taking another drag. "I don't remember anything from this dream except for one thing. This image of this woman is burned into my brain. She looks like me, but it isn't me. It's like, an evil me. I know it's childish to be this shaken up by my evil twin or whatever, but it's not her that scares me."

"What scares you then?"

"What she's doing."

"Winston!" Ray called, breaking Winston out of his trance. He walked over, joining the other ghostbusters at a small, grey table. Laid out across the table was the constructional layout of Dana Barrett's apartment building. "This is where Dana Barrett lives, and this is where the man we mentioned earlier, the keymaster, lives. And this is where Genevieve's mother lives. Notice anything?"

"They're all on the same floor?"

"Better, they form the shape of a triangle." Egon said.

"Triangles! The king of shapes!" Peter joked.

Ray traced the triangle, "Just think about it. Someone who lived or was at those apartments at some moment of time during Thursday night is now either possessed or missing. Whoever did this, whoever is trying to summon Gozer, planned for these three apartments to be the key. The only question left is, what do they want with Genevieve?"

"Dana and Louis make sense. I did some reading about Gozer in Tobin's Spirit Guide; they can only be summoned by the keymaster and gatekeeper, hence both of their possession. However, I cannot find a single thing about a third party necessary for summoning Gozer." Egon said, looking down at the map.

"Maybe the Goz needs a human body to possess to make their grand entrance back to Earth." Peter said, half joking.

Winston whipped his head to look at Peter, his eyes wide. "Holy shit! Her dream!"

Egon and Ray looked at each other confusingly. Ray asked, "Who's dream? Genevieve's?"

"We were stuck in traffic, and she was telling me about this dream she was having. She said she can't remember much but this evil looking woman who looked like her. It scared her so bad, she was thinking about canceling her date with Egon, said she had a bad feeling about the night. I was the one who talked her into sticking with her plans." Winston explained, feeling guilty as he mentioned his influence on Genevieve's decision making.

"That's it! Gozer wants in on the 20th century, they need a human body, Genevieve's the key." Ray shouted.

Peter scoffed, "Funny how when I say that, no one pays any mind but when Ray does, he's suddenly a revolutionary genius."

"That's it, we need to get out of here. If what we are even suggesting about Genevieve is even remotely true, she and the entire world are in huge danger." Egon said.

Suddenly, one of the guards came over to the cell, tapping on the bars to get the men's attention. "Ghostbusters! Mayor wants to see you!"

As the gate opened and the men left the cold cell, Peter said to Egon, "You think you could say that you want to give your friend Peter a million dollars. You seem to have the power to summon anything you want, seeing as we are now out of prison." 

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