Real Wrath of God Type Stuff

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The Ghostbusters were let into the Mayor's office. In most situations where they cause more chaos wherever they went, this was the one time where everyone got calmer just from their presence. It was nice to feel like the experts for once, not the underdog. The Mayor of New York stepped into the office, hoards of reporters trying to follow him inside. He brushed past the Ghostbusters, walking to his desk and sitting in his office chair.

One of the mayor's assistants cleared his throat, motioning to the Ghostbusters, "The Ghostbusters are here, sir."

The Mayor looked up from his desk, "Alright, Ghostbusters. Who's Peck?"

Peck pushed his way through the crowded room, standing beside Peter. "I'm Walter Peck, sir. And I'm prepared to make a full report. These men are complete snowball artists. They use nerve and sense gasses to induce hallucinations. The people think they are seeing ghosts and they call these bozos, who conveniently show up to get rid of the problem with a fake electronic light show."

"Everything was fine with our system until the power grid was shut off by dickless here." Ray said, motioning to Peck.

The mayor stared at the five men, "Is this true?"

"Yes, your honor." Peter spoke up, he didn't wear his usual smirk, but his eyes twinkled with mischief. He side-eyed Peck, "This man has no dick."

Peck lunged for Peter, the police officers having to step in and break up the fight.

"This is City Hall! Now what am I going to do here, John?" the mayor asked, turning to the fire commissioner who was sitting by the wall, his head in his hands.

"All I know is that was no light show we saw this morning. I have seen every combustion known to man, this beats the hell out of me." John said, making the Ghostbusters smile.

One of the police officers turned to Peck, "The walls in the 53rd precinct were bleeding, how do you explain that?"

Peck had no rebuttal, he just stared down at his shoes. The doors opened once more, and the Archbishop entered.

The mayor shot up from his desk, "Oh, Your Eminence!" He got out of his chair, walking over to The Archbishop, kissing his ring.

The Archbishop playfully patted the man on the back, "How are ya, Lenny?"

"We're in a real fix here, what do you think I should do?"

"Lenny, officially, the Church will not take any position on the religious implications of these phenomena. Personally, Lenny, I think it's a sign from God. But don't quote me on that." the archbishop said, sitting down on a chair in front of the mayor's desk.

The mayor groaned, "What am I supposed to do, call a press conference and tell everyone to start praying?" He sat back in his chair, slouching back, his head hanging down in stress.

Winston looked around at all the men and the room before walking up to the mayor's desk. He cleared his throat, "Uh, I'm, uh, Winston Zeddemore, Your Honor. I've only been with the company for a couple of weeks. But I gotta tell you, these things are real. Since I joined these men, I have seen shit that will turn you white!"

Peter stepped forward, "You could believe Mr. Pecker."

"My name is Peck." Peck interjected.

Peter ignored him, "Or you could accept the fact that this city is headed for a disaster of biblical proportions."

The Mayor looked at the Ghostbusters in confusion, "What do you mean 'biblical'?"

"What he means is Old Testament biblical, real wrath of God type stuff." Ray explained. "Fire and brimstone coming from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling!"

Egon joined, "Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes! Volcanoes!"

"The dead rising from the grave!" Winston yelled.

"Human sacrifice! Dogs and cats living together! Mass hysteria!" Peter exclaimed.

"All right! I get it!" The mayor said, stopping the men from continuing. "What if you're wrong."

"If we're wrong we go to jail! Peacefully, happily, we'll enjoy it. But if I'm right, and we can stop this thing. Lenny!" Peter said, a smirk growing on his face. "You will have saved the lives of millions of registered voters."

The mayor thought for a moment, smiling. Peck looked shocked, stepping forward. "I can't believe you are actually considering this."

The mayor pointed at Peck, "Get him out of here."

Peter smiled and waved to Peck as he was harshly escorted out of the mayor's office.

"Wait a minute." The mayor stopped and counted the Ghostbusters. "Four, there's four of you. Where's the little one? I thought there was another, a young lady. We need all the help we can get."

The Ghostbusters expressions softened. Egon spoke up, "She's been missing for twenty four hours, we don't know where she is."

The mayor frowned, "Well, whatever you need from me, I'll give it to you. We don't need a good person out there dying, let alone missing. So, what's the plan?"

An hour later, every policeman, fireman, and soldier in the Tri-State area was running down the streets of New York, escorting the Ghostbusters to Central Park West. Ray pulled up with Ecto-1 outside City Hall. He packed the car with all their equipment and jumpsuits, making sure to pack Genevieve's stuff just in case. The remaining men came outside, quickly throwing on their uniforms over their clothes. Unexpectedly, Janine ran up to the Ghostbusters, catching them by surprise.

"Have you found her yet?" she asked, trying to catch her breath.

"No, we think she might be possessed by Gozer." Ray explained.

Janine looked at Egon, motioning for him to come close. She pulled out a coin from her purse, handing it to him. "I want you to have this."

He held it up, looking at it closely, "What is it?"

"It's a souvenir from the 1964 World's Fair at Flushing Meadow. It's my lucky coin."

"I shouldn't take it, we might not be coming back."

She shrugged, "Keep it anyways, I got another at home." Egon smiled and Janine hugged him tightly. She pulled away, fixing his collar, and then she handed him another small thing from her purse, slipping it in his pocket. "It's a mint, you might need it when you find her."

He looked at her puzzlingly, "How is a mint relevant to me finding Genevieve?"

"For kissing her, you dummy." She laughed.

He smiled at her, holding the coin tightly as she walked away. Peter stuck his head out Ecto-1's passenger window. "Come on, Egon! Let's run some red lights!"

Egon quickly jumped in the car, staring at the coin in his hand as they drove to the apartment building. The streets were lined with people waiting for their arrival. People from every religious background and class status were staring at the hearse, cheering as they passed.

Ecto-1 stopped outside the building's lobby, and the Ghostbusters got out, suiting up. Peter took his time, walking over to the crowds, shaking their hands and talking to them. He was eventually able to drag Ray out as well, introducing him as "The Heart of the Ghostbusters" to the people.

Eventually, Peter and Ray joined the other two men, and they began walking towards the building's lobby. Dark clouds swarmed around the building's roof, thunder roared in the air. The Ghostbusters looked up at the sight, not noticing the rumbling coming from the ground below. The street began to violently shake, cracking open. The Ghostbusters fell in the cracks, being swallowed whole.

The crowd gasped, looking at the broken street. Ray's hand came out from the hole, making the crowd cheer when they saw that they were all still alive. They all crawled out, barely fazed by their near death experience. With nothing in their way, they waved goodbye to the crowd before disappearing into the building. 

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