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"I don't even know what I'm doing anymore. How lousy does a husband have to be for his wife to go behind his back." Peter said, taking a large swig of beer.

Genevieve followed suit, slurping her beer. She put a sympathetic arm on Peter's, "She probably didn't want you to worry."

"Well, now I'm worried and getting shitfaced on a Monday night, think it would have been better if she came to me."

"Why don't you just go home and talk to her? You know you're an ass when you're drunk." Genevieve asked, taking another sip.

Peter groaned, "Because, I shouldn't have found out this way. It's my way of dealing with it as well as showing lovely Dana that I am indeed, pissed at her. I mean, Oscar's my son too. Maybe I'm not as "loving" or "paternal" as people may like, but he's my kid, I'd do anything to protect him."

"Peter, one of the things I love most about you is, you would do anything for someone you love. Everyone who is close to you knows that, that includes Dana. She didn't tell you because she thought you wouldn't care, she didn't tell you because she probably knew you would freak out more than she would. You have to admit, going to Egon and Ray to find out if it's really something to worry about before telling you is probably for the best." She finished her beer, slamming the cup down. "Besides, you think I'm thrilled she went to Egon first? I'm her best friend for crying out loud, so I can imagine how you must feel. But you have to realize, she didn't tell you a reason. The best thing to do is to go home and talk to her about it. Getting shitfaced and going home drunk is not the way to go about this."

Peter sighed deeply, giving Genevieve a small smile. "You're right, you always are. You know, I really hate that about you."

She laughed, "Yeah, yeah, whatever Venkman. Let me get you a cab so you can go home to the missus."

He reluctantly stood up and the two made small talk as Genevieve hailed Peter a cab. He got inside the cab, about to close the door before he leaned out to say one last thing to Genevieve.

"You would pick me over Ray to be your third right?"

She closed the can door, flipping him off as he drove away.

She didn't notice how late it was, seeing the time from the clock inside the bar. Egon was either dead asleep right now, or keeping himself awake until her return. Realizing she had just used her cab fare to buy herself a beer, she began walking home.

Crisp, cool air rushed by her, blowing her hair in her face. As she tried to move it all out of her eye-site, she realized how tipsy she was. Genevieve hardly ever drank, the only exceptions being the occasional glass of wine at dinner that Egon normally finished for her or getting shitfaced on New Year's. So, two beers and one tequila shot was enough to get her pretty plastered. Her legs wobbled as she became more aware of her declining state. Luckily, she lived close by and could see her front door two blocks away.

Time moved slow as she tried her best to steadily walk as well as look sober enough to the men walking past her, so she wouldn't seem vulnerable in away. Eventually, her heels clacked up her short staircase and she fumbled with her keys, struggling to unlock the door. The door swung open, making Genevieve loose her balance in the process. Egon's arms stabilized her, pulling her into the warm house.

"Looks like you and Venkman had fun." he commented, taking off her jacket.

"Not really, we mainly talked about Dana." she hiccuped, kicking off her shoes. Genevieve looked up at her husband, giving him a drunken smile. "You really are sweet, Egon."

Egon smiled back, "Let's get you to bed, Mrs. Spengler. It is way past our bedtime."

The morning brought bright sunlight into the Venkman's apartment, as well as a minor headache for Peter. The curtains were wide open when he awoke, making him groan as his eyes adjusted to the harsh light. He rolled over, extending his arm across the bed, excepting to feel his wife's sleeping body. He was met with a cold mattress instead.

Oscar's cries from the other room fully awoke him, making him sit up and walk out of the bedroom. In the living room, Dana was feeding the baby, scooping some mushed peas into his mouth. As Dana raised a large spoonful to Oscar's lips, he refused the green paste, turning his head in disgust.

"How are the mushed peas working out for you? I told you we should have gotten the carrot instead." Peter said smugly, walking past the two to grab a cup of coffee.

"So sleeping beauty is finally awake. Where were you last night, you didn't come home until late." Dana said, ignoring her husband's comment.

Peter poured himself a cup, leaning on the refrigerator, "Genevieve and I went out for a few drinks. I needed her advice on somethings."

Dana's head perked up, "Huh, you two haven't hung out in a while. What did you need advice on?"

"Well, I heard through the grapevine that Oscar had a little incident on First the other day. Wanted to ask our only married friend how a husband should ask his wife why he wasn't informed that his son was almost ran over by a bus."

She sighed deeply, setting down the baby food. "I was going to see what Egon thought of the whole thing before I told you. I didn't want to worry you."

Peter walked over to her, taking one of her hands in his. "I know that, so I'm not going to be mad this time. But, seeing as I'm one half of Oscar's DNA, I would like a little more warning next time."

Dana nodded and leaned up to kiss Peter.

"You should thank Genevieve later, if she hadn't calmed me down and talked me through it, I would have been a lot angrier about this."

Across the city, Genevieve and Egon were into their morning routine. Egon was sat at their dining room table, reading Tobin's Spirit Guide while Genevieve made a pot of coffee.

"I'm going to come home late tonight, I'm meeting with Dana to examine the spot where Oscar's carriage stopped. Ray and Peter are joining me, would you like to come?" Egon said, setting down his book in the process.

"I'll pass, I don't know if I want to examine a spot in the middle of the road, but thanks for the offer." She poured herself a cup of coffee and took a long sip, "Who's watching Oscar?"

"They have a nanny to watch him."

"Oh. Well, how late do you think you'll be gone?"

"Shouldn't take too long, I'll probably be home by dark."

Hours later, Genevieve stared up at the ticking clock in the living room. It was almost midnight.

"Should be home before dark my ass." she grumbled to herself.

Sighing, she got up from the couch and finally started to make her way to bed. Suddenly, the power in her house flickered for a moment and then went completely dark. The pitch blackness that encompassed her house limited her vision, making her almost trip on her cat as she walked to the phone. She mumbled an apology and picked up the phone and quickly dialed Dana's number. The phone rang for a moment before Dana picked up.


"Hey, Dana. It's Genevieve, I was just calling to see if the boys were with you. I wanted to see how Egon was doing, especially because of the blackout."

"They've been gone for hours, I thought Egon told you?" Dana said, confusion laced in her voice.

"Huh, no he didn't tell me. Do you know where they are?" Genevieve asked.

Dana began to speak but was caught off by Oscar's cries coming from the nursery. "I don't, I'm sorry Genevieve, I have to get Oscar. I'll call you when he's back asleep."

"Don't worry about it, I'll call you in the morning, take care of the little guy."

They said goodbye to each other and Genevieve hung up the receiver. Not even a minute later, the phone rang again. Genevieve sighed and picked up the phone again.

"Dana, I told you, I'm fine. Just worry about Oscar and I'll handle the guys."

A deep voice responded, "Is this Genevieve Spengler?"

"Uh, yes, who is this?"

"This is the NYPD, we have your husband."

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