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Author's Note : Please ignore any spelling or grammar errors, will edit as I continue the story. Word count : 2283

Ecto-1's wheels screeched loudly as it came to a halt in front of the prestigious Sedgewick Hotel. Peter and Ray quickly put on their new proton packs, made and designed by Egon. Genevieve was struggling with the left arm strap of hers, groaning partly out of frustration and partly due to the heavy weight of the equipment. Egon assisted her in placing her arm through the strap. She turned her head around and gave him a playful glare, "Was the weight necessary or did you just choose to add it in to make my life a living hell."

"Both." he said, smirking.

"Come on kids, let's get a move on! You two can share a milkshake after we get paid." Peter shouted, making guests who were entering the hotel lobby look at the group funny.

The Ghostbusters walked into the lobby, Peter exhibiting confidence and the other three not so. Peter looked around at all the beautiful women, giving them winks as he walked by. He looked for a manager or someone at reception, but found no one. He grew impatient and just started yelling, "Has anyone here seen a ghost!".

Guests eyed the group, making small comments under their breath as they passed the weirdly dressed group. Finally, a man, who they all assumed was the hotel manager, wearing a black suit came behind the Ghostbusters, scaring Peter.

"Thank you for coming in such short notice. Guests are starting to ask questions and I am running out of answers." the man explained.

"Has this ever happened before?" Ray asked.

"Well, most of the original staff knows about the twelfth floor, the disturbances I mean. But it's been quiet for years, up until two weeks ago. It was never ever this bad, though." the manager explained.

"Did you ever report it to anyone?" Egon asked.

"Heavens no! The owners don't even like us to talk about it! I hope we can take care of this quietly tonight."

Ray smiled, "Don't worry, sir. We handle this kind of thing all the time!"

They crossed the lobby to the elevators. A man smoking a cigar was waiting there, he stared at the Ghostbusters as they all waited for an elevator. "What are you supposed to be some kind of a cosmonaut?" he asked, staring at Venkman.

"Me? No, we're exterminators, someone saw a cockroach up on twelfth." Peter said with a smirk.

"That's gotta be some cockroach."

"It'll bite your head off, man." he said under his breath.

The elevator dinged and the four Ghostbusters entered it, the man insisting he would wait for the next one. The four stared at the floor indicator, silent. Ray exhaled deeply, "You know it's just occurred to me we haven't had a stable test of the equipment."

"I blame myself." Egon said.

"So do I." Peter agreed.

"Well, no use worrying about it now. Switch me on." Ray said. Egon turned on Ray's pack and proceeded to back up away from it, squishing Genevieve and Peter against the elevator's wall. They exchanged an uncomfortable look for a moment until the elevator's doors opened to the twelfth floor.

Egon and Ray tiptoed out of the elevator, hunched over, taking in every surrounding carefully. Peter walked with the two, unbothered by their actions. Genevieve stayed close behind Egon, not as on edge as he was, but she was definitely feeling a little nervous. The group heard a small squeak from their left. Ray and Egon turned in a flash, blasting their proton packs at the source of the noise. Peter noticed the squeak came from a housekeeping cart, and put a hand on the men's shoulder, letting them know to stop.

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