PART II : As Time Goes On

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One year after the Manhattan Crossrip of 1984

"You gotta do a better job than that, Venkman!"

"I'm trying Ray!"

"If you both don't stop fighting, I will shoot both of you right now."

"What the hell are you doing?"

Peter Venkman, Ray Stanz, and Winston Zeddemore looked back at the firehouse's doors. Genevieve Spengler and her husband, Egon stood at the doors, suitcases in hands and confusion on their expressions.

Peter and Ray were standing on opposite sides of the room, each holding one end of a banner that read "Welcome Home!". Peter dropped his end, walking over to the couple coolly.

"Just some decorating, thought you two weren't supposed to be back from Washington for another day." Peter said.

"We came back early." Egon stated.

"Well I can see that." Peter muttered.

Ray quickly rolled up the banner, then ran to Egon and Genevieve, hugging them both tightly. "Welcome back! How was the honeymoon?"

Genevieve tapped on Ray's back, letting him know he was hugging her too tightly. He pulled away, muttering an apology. "It was nice, Egon and I did spent a lot of time outdoors. He brought back some fungus and stuff like that."

"Well we're glad you're back." Winston smiled.

They all walked upstairs to the almost empty living quarters of the firehouse. The Ghosbusters have been disbanded for almost a year, but they had neglected packing up all the old equipment. With Genevieve and Egon's wedding and Dana and Peter's engagement, they were all a little too busy from time to time. Ray grabbed a few beers from the fridge, tossing them to each person.

"As you can see, the three of us have been knocking out packing the place up while you guys have been gone. Been our little summer project." Ray explained, looking around at the bare room.

Genevieve sat on the floor, "Can't you just rent the place out or something? You have a lease on the place for another ten years, Ray. I'd hate to see it to get run down again."

"I think we should have went with my 'Ghostbusters Tours' idea." Peter joked.

"Well, considering we suffered a large lawsuit from every business in New York, I think monopolizing on our destruction of the city would rub people the wrong way. " Egon said.

Ray sighed, "Yeah, I'm keeping the place just in case we need it for something but, it's kinda sad to see it so bare. It has a lot of memories."

"That it does." Genevieve said, taking a sip of beer.

Two years after the Manhattan Crossrip.

Genevieve walked into Ray's new bookshop, a box of donuts in hand. She looked around the small room. Warm lighting encompassed the room nicely and there was a hint of eucalyptus in the air. She rang the small bell at the front desk, not expecting Ray to pop up from beneath the counter.

"Hey, Genny! Long time no see!" he smiled, leaning over the counter to embrace her.

"Hi, Ray. I wanted to stop by to drop off a congratulations gift on the new store." she looked around at the empty store. "How's business?"

"You know, I have my regulars, witches and demon hunters, that sort of thing. How are things at home?" he asked, opening the box of donuts, grabbing a jelly filled one.

She smiled, "Good, Egon's doing great at his new job. I've been staying home, taking care of the cats and trying to make our apartment feel more like home."

"That's good! You two are coming to the wedding next week right?" he asked, talking with a mouth full of donut.

"Yeah, we're coming." She grabbed a donut for herself. "You know, for how much shit Venkman gave Egon for never making a move, you would think he would elope as soon as possible, not be engaged for over a year."

Ray chuckled, "Yeah, you would. Just excited to have everyone together again, it'll be nice to have things like the good ol' days."

"You see the guys often?" she asked.

"Oh yeah, we have poker night and stuff, it's not the same though. I wish you would come out with us more often. We were all friends before you and Egon even started dating."

"Egon needs some time away from me, we can't be spending every waking second with each other. Besides, I see Peter a lot, since I've been helping Dana with the wedding. But yeah, we should plan some more stuff." Genevieve said, leaning on the counter.

"Well, I could use some help around the store from time to time. I know you're looking for a job, maybe you can come here a few times a week." he suggested.

She smiled at him, "I'm in."

Four years, two months, and twenty three days after the Manhattan Crossrip

"I would like to introduce you to the one, the only, Oscar Barrett-Venkman." Peter said, holding his newborn son up with pride.

Everyone had come to visit Dana and Peter after the baby was born. Ray went all out, bringing balloons, flowers, stuffed animals, you name it. Winston, Egon, and Genevieve gifted the new parents the essentials, some extra onesies and diapers.

Genevieve sat beside Dana, smiling at her, "He's beautiful, Dana. He has your eyes."

"Thank you, Genevieve. He's probably gonna get Peter's hairline, though." Dana joked.

"For your information, he is gonna be one lucky man. He's got the ladies man genes coursing through his veins." Peter said defensively.

Dana rolled her eyes, "We're only joking, honey. Now will you let his godmother hold him please?"

Peter gently handed little Oscar to Genevieve. She cradled his head and rocked him in her arms. Egon watched his wife rock the newborn, imagining how she would look with their own children someday.

"Egon and Genevieve need to get on adding to the next generation of Ghostbusters, we can't be the only baby making factory." Peter joked.

"What about Ray and Winston?" Genevieve said.

"Also, I have kids, Peter." Winston stated.

"You do?!"

A/N : I had zero clue how to end this, it's just little drabbles/headcannons.

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