Dec 2 - An Evil Plan

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Author's note:
This chapter is quite short since I would have spoiled things if I wrote more. We can't have that, right? The only character in this chapter is the evil person. I hope you enjoy!

PS: The chapters will most likely be between 300 and 1k words long.

Word count: 349

TW: Mentions of death and torture

While everyone is thinking of the new season, somebody in Azkaban is not happy.

Ugh, it's the Christmas season. Disgusting.

People are probably decorating and baking gingerbread houses- while singing Christmas songs. Gross.

The prisoner stares at the blank, dark wall in their cold cell. If only they could get out of here, get their freedom.

Yes, they could escape - and get their revenge!They would love to harm the precious Gryffindor Trio, especially the Mudblood girl... And Snape, that traitor!

But most importantly - the Keeper of the Diamond. The prisoner smirks. Yes, they would love to torture the girl. A cut here, a cut there - perfect!

But a plan is needed. An evil plan.

Of course, what better plan is there than ruining Christmas? Ah, yes, that's it! Ruin their favourite time of the year. And probably kill some people, too.

They will obviously need to escape first, but that's nothing. They have escaped before, those stupid Dementors are quite slow.

But the question is - how should they ruin Christmas?

"I know exactly what you'll need" a voice suddenly says.

The prisoner stands up from the ground immediately. "Who's there?" they demand, gripping the bars tightly as they look everywhere in hope of seeing the unknown person.

In the cell next to theirs appears a man. "You do not need to know my name, all you need to know is how to get your revenge" the man says.

That caught the prisoner's attention. "How did you- Why you little jerk! You entered my mind, didn't you!" they accuse, looking furious.

The man chuckles. "That I did, but listen, it's a good thing - I know exactly what you need" he states.

Looking intrigued, the prisoner gestures for the man to continue. "Well, go on, old man" they say, rushing him.

He laughs at that. "Tsk, tsk, is that a way to talk to an ally? Very well," he says before telling them his plan.

Once he has done so, the prisoner gives an evil laugh. What an evil plan - what a perfect way to ruin Christmas and get revenge.

Christmas Special of TKOTD (Severus Snape x reader & Lucius Malfoy x reader)Where stories live. Discover now