Dec 19 - Switched Objects

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Word count: 723

The next morning, Snape wakes up to somebody hugging him extremely tightly.

He chuckles to himself when he sees Y/N having her arms wrapped around his torso, her face snuggled in his chest.

He almost doesn't want to wake her up. He however has to - they have to meet with the others soon, plus she will need to eat something.

He calls for one of the house elves of the castle, letting them know that they will eat here in his private chambers.

A few seconds later, two plates of breakfast are on the table by the couch.

Snape gently shakes the girl awake. "Y/N, wake up" he whispers.

As she merely snuggles closer to him, having no desire to wake up, Snape smirks to himself as an idea pops into his head.

He then starts to tickle her sides.

She immediately wakes up, laughing uncontrollably. "Okay, okay- haha! I'm awake! You can stop now!" she begs, giggling.

Snape finally stops the attack as he lets the girl catch her breath.

"Well, good morning. Did you sleep well?" he asks in his morning voice.

Y/N sighs. "I definitely slept better while being in your arms. But I still kept worrying about Laura..." she says, sniffing.

Snape hugs her tightly, nuzzling his nose on hers.

"Don't worry, we will save her very soon. Today we will get the Ring of Light" he says in a reassuring tone.

Y/N slowly nods. Snape then levitates the two plates of food to the bed.

"You should eat, princess. We will leave afterwards" he tells her as he hands her one of the plates.

Nodding, she decides to eat her food. He eats his as well.

Once they are done, they walk towards the meeting place. Everybody is there.

"Now that we are all gathered, I suggest we head inside the Forbidden Forest and find the Ring of Light so we can save everyone" Dumbledore states.

As everybody nods, they slowly head inside the creepy, dark forest. They are staying close to each other, making sure no one is wandering off in the wrong direction.

Ron then squeals. "Spider! SPIDER!" he screams in a high-pitched tone.

Hermione rolls her eyes as she removes it from his shoulder.

"It was only a small one, Ron" she states.

The boy blinks a few times. "Bloody hell, THAT was a small one?" he asks, not believing what she just said.

"Come on, let's keep moving!" Moody says, getting impatient.

A moment later, Draco stops in his tracks as he hears something near the trees.

"W-what was that?" he asks, looking scared.

Lucius sighs. "It was probably nothing. Come on, Draco, we are almost there" he tells his son.

Vera leans close to Y/N. "I think Laura will be glad that she didn't go in here with us. This place is scary" she whispers.

Y/N nods in agreement. This place really is scary.

After a while, they are finally there. Deep into the Forbidden Forest.

As Lupin grabs a shovel Mr. Weasley had brought with him, he stops immediately.

"Something is wrong" he says, looking at the ground in disbelief.

Puzzled, everybody walks closer to take a look. They all then gasp.

Somebody has already been here. The object is gone.

"How? Do you think Bellatrix took this one as well?" Harry questions.

Hermione shakes her head. "It doesn't make sense, why-" she says just as she stops. She then widens her eyes in realisation.

Everybody raises an eyebrow. "So, care to tell us what that mind of yours has figured out?" Lucius asks, sounding impatient.

The girl facepalms herself. "The book was wrong! The Ring of Light was never here! It must have switched the coordinates" she tells them.

Black sighs. "Great, so the objects have been switched. That means we went in here for nothing! Now we need to go to the other location" he says, frustrated.

When are they going to get the Ring of Light?

Mr. Weasley clears his throat. "Now that we have gotten the correct information, why don't we find it tomorrow? It has been a long and tiring journey today" he says, referring to the extremely long walk through the forest.

Everybody nods. Y/N sighs, however. They have to wait another day to save Laura and everyone else.

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