Dec 5 - A Surprise and DIY Decorations

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Author's note:
This chapter is over 1k words long, and I really didn't want to delete anything. Christmas Special? More like Christmas Challenge. I hope you enjoy!

Word count: 1.2k

It's morning in Malfoy Manor. The three girls decided to stay for another night. This time, Laura and Vera were the first ones to go to bed. Snape was very thankful for that.

In fact, so thankful that he stayed up all night on the couch with Y/N.

Which is why the two of them are currently snuggled up together while wrapped in a cosy blanket on the couch. Y/N is still sleeping while Snape is awake, admiring her.

She fell asleep in his arms last night, and Snape was afraid he would wake her up if he carried her to their room. So he decided they had to sleep on the couch.

His back hurts, but if she slept comfortably, then it was worth it.

He gently caresses her cheek as she wakes up.

"Good morning, Sev" she says, giving him a shy smile.

"Good morning, Y/N. Did you sleep well?" he asks.

She nods. "Yeah, I did. The bed was extra soft this time" she says.

She then notices that she didn't sleep in a bed - but in Snape's arms. She blushes at that.

Snape smirks at her. "Extra soft, huh? Well, I'm glad to hear that" he says in an amused tone.

Just then, Narcissa and Lucius enter the living room. When they notice one of the couches is occupied, they both smirk.

"Good morning, you two. I see you got comfortable on the couch last night" Narcissa teases. Y/N's cheeks turn redder.

Lucius chuckles. He then notices his cane on one of the other couches.

"Ah, there it is. I must have forgotten it last night" he says as he grabs it.

Snape rolls his eyes. Lucius was way too tired to even remember to bring his cane with him before heading to bed.

Y/N's friends then enter the room as well.

"Good morning- Did you sleep in here, Y/N?" Laura asks as she raises an eyebrow. Still blushing, Y/N merely nods.

Suddenly, Lopsy the House Elf apparates in front of them.

"What's the hurry, Lopsy?" Lucius asks, giving the elf a confused look.

Lopsy smiles at her master. "Lopsy is happy to announce that it has finally happened" the elf states, looking happy.

Lucius widens his eyes, looking surprised while Narcissa smiles.

Meanwhile, Snape and the three girls look puzzled.

"Um, what happened?" Vera asks, sounding confused.

Giving a big smile, Lucius gestures for them all to follow him. "Why don't I show you? Come on, let's head to the garden" he says as he starts walking.

Still looking confused, everybody decides to follow Lucius.

As they head outside in front of the peacocks, Lucius suddenly hurries towards them. That just makes them even more confused.

As he kneels down and picks something up, Y/N slowly approaches.

"Lucius?" she gently asks.

When she sees what's in his arms, she tries her best not to squeal loudly.

Christmas Special of TKOTD (Severus Snape x reader & Lucius Malfoy x reader)Where stories live. Discover now