!Cinnamon Cookie Headcannons!

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*I am now in love with Cinnamon 🤩 third favourite-

-ANYWAY, LET'S GET STRAIGHT INTO THE HEADCANNONS! Also, a change in my writing style but every headcanon will be accompanied by a title that matches its description!


Too Bitter To Understand

•I headcanon that Espresso and Cinnamon spend a lot of time together and during all that time, Cinnamon constantly teases Espresso for being too bitter towards...Everyone- That also involves weird puns and jokes he makes up and shares with Latte. Oh and I also hc that Latte and Espresso are siblings ▼・ᴥ・▼

Cinnamon- C'mon man! Cheer up, you've been so harsh to everyone- Especially Madeline and the kids!

Espresso- You're mildly wrong my friend! I am only harsh towards Madeline, the kids aren't as annoying as him...

Cinnamon- Even Latte tells you off...

Espresso- Do not bring my reckless sister into our conversation! She forgot to bring breakfast this morning and we had to order and she KNOWS I HATE ONLINE ORDERING!-

Cinnamon- That's what you get for calling Madeline "A Disaster Of The Abyss"!

Espresso- It's a compliment that matches his personality! He was so proud of it that he even announced it in Sea Fairy's arrival when Custard was present... He screamed:

"Everyone! I am not "a" disaster of the abyss, I am THE Disaster of the Abyss!"

Cinnamon- Well for you was an embarrassing moment, for the rest of us was both an honourable but funny scene- No wonder Sugar Cubes stay out of your mug!

Espresso-  .

Cinnamon- Man and I thought you had at least ONE sense of energy in you! Guess you're too bitter to understand my and Latte puns!

Espresso- ...

Yours and WHO else?

Cinnamon- And Latte's!

Espresso- LATTE-


        Last Visit

I hc that Cinnamon is first cousins with Chocolate Bon Bon and he used to visit her regularly, until one day he had to town to create his own business. Their goodbye was emotional.



He LOVES giving to others LONG tight hugs...

Anyway hope you liked them and  have a nice day/night! Sorry for not uploading as much btw


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