Vengance: Scorpion

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(Raiden looked over to one of the guards as he had another Vision. Raiden then walked over to the guard.)

Shang Tsung: Kombantants! The next match will now begin! Scorpion! Specter of the Netherrealm! Resurrected by the sorcerer Quan Chi! Who among you is worthy of this challenge?
Scorpion: Where is the Lin Kuei Sub-Zero? He killed my family and clan. I will have his head!
Raiden: I know it is you, Kung Lao. The Shaolin monks choose Liu Kang to represent your order in the Tournament.
Kung Lao: I am Liu Kang's equal!
Raiden: That remains to be seen.
Kung Lao: Watch and see.

(Kung Lao takes off the the guard armor reveling himself as he stepped up.)

Kung Lao: I accept the challenge!
Liu Kang: Kung Lao?
Kung Lao: Never mind the Lin Kuei. Now you face a Shaolin.
Scorpion: You will regret your impulsiveness.

(Scorpion and Kung Lao fight and Scorpion wins using his sword against Kung Lao.)

Scorpion: You are not yet a Warrior.
Liu Kang: Kung Lao!

(Says Liu Kang as he runs towards his friend while Raiden walks towards him.)

Raiden: Listen when your elders speak! You couldn't win this fight.

(Says Raiden as he and Liu Kang help Kung Lao up.)

Scorpion: I have defeated a challenger, Shang Tsung! I demand Sub-Zero!

(Suddenly Raiden has another Vision.)

Shang Tsung: You will demand nothing! Nightwolf!

(Nightwolf walks up and gets ready to fight Scorpion.)

Nightwolf: Your aggression is misplaced.
Scorpion: What do you know of my past?
Nightwolf: You are not the only one Whose people have been victimized. But I have found new purpose in serving the great spirit. I do not cling to the past.
Scorpion: You no longer seek retribution? You dishonor your kind. I will honor the memory of my fallen.

(Scorpion and Nightwolf fight with Scorpion winning by using his "GET OVER HERE!")

Scorpion: The spirits have forsaken you, Shaman.
Shang Tsung: An impressive start!
Scorpion: You waste my time Sorcerer!

(Says Scorpion with his fist now burning with fire.)

Quan Chi: Restrain, Scorpion.

(And Scorpion obeys as his fist turns back to normal.)

Shang Tsung: You will fight Sub-Zero soon enough.

(And with that Shang Tsung, Quan Chi, Kitana, Jade, Ace, and Baraka walk away.)

Raiden: Scorpion, I understand your desire for revenge. But Nightwolf is right. There are other ways in which you may find peace.
Scorpion: Sub-Zero deserves death.
Raiden: Defeat Sub-Zero if you must, but do not kill him. I fear his death will give rise to a more treacherous foe.
Scorpion: I will have my revenge!
Raiden: Spare Sub-Zero's life and I will request that the Elder Gods return the Shirai Ryu to the realms of the mortal's.

(Scorpion thinks for a moment then nods as Scorpion and Raiden nod there heads and Raiden walks away.)


(Scorpion soon walks into Shang Tsung's throne room to see Cyrax and Sektor talking.)

Cyrax: I understand there are a benefits to the grandmaster's plan... but his plan goes against Lin Kuei principles.
Sektor: We are Lin Kuei, Cyrax. We will obey the Grand Master's commands.
Cyrax: It means giving up our free will... our souls. It will turn us into—

(Just then Sektor motions to Cyrax to stop talking as he sees Scorpion heading to them.)

Sektor: Scorpion.
Cyrax: Your inferior clan is dead. Soon you will join them.
Scorpion: My clan may walk the Earth once more.

(Just then Cyrax pushes Scorpion and he and Sektor get ready to fight.)

Shang Tsung: A Challenge! Scorpion versus Cyrax and Sektor!
Cyrax: Your obsession with Sub-Zero ends here.

(Scorpion fights Cyrax and Sektor defeating them both fire kicks.)

Scorpion: I will have my revenge, but I will not kill Sub-Zero.
Bi-Han: Will not. and cannot.
Scorpion: You!
(Says Scorpion as Bi-Han and Scorpion walk towards each other.)
Scorpion: The Shirai Ryu are dead. You will suffer as they did.
Bi-Han: To hell with you and your clan.
Scorpion: No... To hell with you!

(And teleports them to the Netherrealm.)


Bi-Han: The Netherrealm.....
Scorpion: This is where I was was reborn. This is where you will pay!

(Scorpion and Bi-Han start fighting and Scorpion wins by using his "GET OVER HERE!!!")

Scorpion: I have avenged my family and clan.

(Just then Quan Chi arrived to see Bi-Han on the floor.)

Quan Chi: This is your retribution? Scorpion. kill him.
Scorpion: I... I will not. He has been beaten.
Quan Chi: Have you forgotten? The death of your family and clan.

(Quan Chi makes Scorpion relive the death of his clan being slaughtered by the Lin Kuei and Bi-Han.)

Scorpion: No...
Quan Chi: Your clan. Your Family. All killed by one single man.

(Quan chi then shows Scorpion, Bi-Han killing his wife and child.)
Scorpion: No!!
Bi-Han: That is not me!

(Scorpion takes off his mask and gets ready to kill Bi-Han.)


(Scorpion teleports back to Shang Tsung's throne room with Bi-Han's skull.)

Johnny: Ouch.

(Scorpion soon drops the skull as it shaders into pieces as Scorpion yells then teleports away. Cyrax and Raiden walk up to the skull.)

Raiden: Despite my efforts, my vision has come to pass. An unfortunate end. He once defended Earthrealm from the Netherrealm Armies of Shinnok and Quan Chi.
Cyrax: Scorpion will pay for this!
Raiden: Sub-Zero's fate is his own doing.
Cyrax: His own doing?!
Raiden: The Lin Kuei have a history of making ruinous choices. Such as the Cyber Initiative.
Cyrax: I am among those speaking out against the Grand Master's plan. Surgically transform the Lin Kuei into glorified robots? It kills our intuition. Our instinct.
Raiden: Did you speak out against the Lin Kuei's participation in this tournament?
Cyrax: We were invited by Shang Tsung.
Raiden: He pays you to kill Earthrealm Warriors. Betraying your own realm? I expect better. Even from an assassin.
Cyrax: My loyalty is to the Grand Master.
Raiden: Victory for Shang Tsung means the end of Earthrealm. And the Lin Kuei.

(Cyrax walks away to the tournament. Unknown to him that Baraka had been listening to the whole conversation and follows Cyrax.)

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