Bound By Friendship: Jade

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(Baraka and a Tarkatan are in the Armory when the Tarkatan takes a gun. Baraka then snatched it from his hands.)

Baraka: That is no Toy! It belongs to Shang Tsung! We are finished. Return to your post.

(Baraka puts the gun down as Jade walks through the door.)

Jade: Stand aside. I will see Kitana.
Baraka: No one is allowed in the tower.
Jade: You are an excellent guard dog, Baraka. But you must learn to heal.
Baraka: I do not take orders from you.

(Jade and Baraka fight and Jade wins using her staff.)

Jade: Good boy.
Baraka: Edenians have no loyalty.
Jade: Blind loyalty is not a good thing, as I have learned. You must keep your eyes open— to anticipate the finishing blow.
Baraka: What are you talking about?

(Jade then stomps on his head knocking him out.)

Jade: You make it to easy.


(Jade then walks into the tower to see Sheeva talking to Kitana.)

Sheeva: If you had not dishonored yourself by-
Kitana: Jade!

(Sheeva turns to see Jade walking towards them.)

Sheeva: My orders are clear. No one is allowed in the tower.
Jade: As you can, see I am here.
Sheeva: Here to help the princess escape! You would deny her execution? Only means of reclaiming her honor?
Jade: We have very different concepts of honor, Shokan.

(Jade and Sheeva fight with Jade winning by using her glowing kick.)

Jade: Not much of a Jailor, are you? Now then your highness... Let us see how quickly we can remove these bonds.
Kitana: Jade, I-
Jade: I am too.

(Just when Jade is about to help Kitana remove the bonds she hears two people talk from outside the door.)

Baraka: Stop her!
Mileena: Do not let her get away!
Kitana: Go. find Raiden. Ask for his help.
Jade: Kitana, I can't-
Kitana: Go now, Jade.

(Jade hesitates, but untimely comply's.)


Jade: That should distance me from any pursuers.

(Suddenly Mileena teleports as Jade turns her head and sees.)

Mileena: Others pursue. I find.
Jade: By the gods. You are Mileena.
Mileena: You must return with me! Theirs to be a celebration for my sister! She's going away....

(Jade and Mileena fight with Jade winning using a Combo.)

Jade: I am more of a sister to Kitana then you. I must find Raiden.
Raiden: He is here.

(Smoke then walks over to Jade.)

Smoke: Kitana turns away from Shao Kahn, so you attack her rather then Join her?
Jade: This is not-

(Raiden then holds his hand out to stop Liu Kang.)

Raiden: Smoke! stop! That is not Kitana!
Smoke: You will come no closer!

(Jade and Smoke fight with Jade winning by using a grab on him.)

Jade: I did not wish to do that. Lord Raiden. I come at the request of-
Johnny: "Lord"? I was with Smoke and Kenshi. I thought she was a bad guy. Girl. Guess he turned another one... What's Raiden got that I don't?
Liu Kang: God-like power?
Kung Lao: A personality that is not at all like sanding paper?
Kenshi: Respect for others?
Johnny: Jerks.
Jade: ... If we do not save her, she will be executed. Kitana does not have a lot of time!
Liu Kang: Kitana.... executed? Where is she.
Jade: Held captive in the tower of Shao Kahn's fortress.
Raiden: I am not pleased with this outcome either, Liu Kang. But there is no time. We must return to the tournament.
Liu Kang: But you are responsible for her Capture! You persuaded her to turn against Shao Kahn!
Kung Lao: Lord Raiden. We can free her as others fight in our stead, And join you thereafter.
Raiden: Very well.

(As Liu Kang and Kung Lao walk off Kung Lao yells back.)

Kung Lao: We will meet you at the Coliseum.

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