Protect And Serve: Stryker

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Officer: Incoming! Incoming!

(Says the officer as bombs go off and Tarkatans and other weird creatures roam the streets killing anyone they find.)

Stryker: Fifteen...... Sixteen........ Seventeen...... Eighteen. Kabal. Call it in.
Kabal: Base. Eagle Two. We count eighteen. One-eight bogies. Southbound Olympic.
Dispatch: Roger that.
Kabal: Eagle two out.

(Then they witness a Big Monster throw a car across the road.)

Stryker: This is not happening.
Kabal: Not what I was thinking when I swore to protect and serve.

(Stryker looks to down to see Reptile crawling.)

Stryker: What is that?
Kabal: I'm thinking shoot first, ask questions later.
Stryker: Fine with me.

(They take out there guns and start shooting at Reptile as he starts to crawl up the building dodging every bullet. Reptile then reaches the top then jumps over them.)

Stryker: Pistols!

(Kabal and Stryker take out there pistols at the same time Reptile takes off his mask to make an acid barrier to protect himself from the bullets. Kabals gun runs out of ammo and Reptile hits Kabal with his tongue sending him to fly back a bit. He then uses his tongue to take Stryker's gun away.)

Stryker: Enough of this! It's you and me, freakshow.

(Stryker and Reptile fight with Stryker winning using his guns.)

Stryker: Spitting? Sticking out your tongue? Bet your mama's real proud.

(He then looks over to Kabal and helps him up.)

Stryker: C'mon. We're going street level. We've been compromised.
Kabal: It ain't save down there.
Stryker: Better there then here.

(Kabal sighs and goes down with Stryker.)


(They soon raced down to the lower level and they hear a soldier say.)

Soldier: Fall back! Fall back!

(They soon see a giant walking towards soldiers. And as they see it Kabal looks and sees Mileena.)

Kabal: Stryker! Check her out! Whaddaya think? Friend or foe?
Stryker: Foe.
Kabal: Dressed like that?
Stryker: Definitely foe. Cover me.

(They walk out as Kabal covers Stryker from a distance and Stryker walks towards Mileena with his gun in his hands.)

Stryker: Hey, what're you doing out here?

(Mileena laughs and takes off her mask.)

Mileena: Looking for a new playmate!

(She puts her mask back on and gets into her fighting stance.)

(Stryker and Mileena fight with Stryker winning using a grab on her.)

Stryker: You're coming with me.

(He then hears a roar as a Dinosaur passes above him. Mileena gets up and runs towards Stryker but before she could do anything Raiden electrocutes her. Stryker then looks at Raiden.)

Stryker: Who.... who are you?
Raiden: Argh!

(Raiden then has another vision.)

Stryker: You all right?

(They look over at the bridge where Johnny Cage is fighting Motaro.)

Stryker: Johnny Cage fighting a giant monster?! What is this "Time Smashers"?!

(He says as Raiden fly's over to Motaro and Johnny Cage electrocuting Motaro and tackles him into the water.)

Kabal: That guy just shot lightning. From his hands. How'd he do that?
Stryker: No idea.

(Suddenly they hear a roar as they turn to see Kintaro.)

Stryker: Spread out. Give 'im multiple targets.

(And just as they spread Kintaro releases fire from his mouth burning Kabal.)

Kintaro: Humans. Less ugly when they burn.

(Stryker and Kintaro then fight Stryker winning using a fatal blow.)

Stryker: Never knew I had it in me.....

(Stryker then looks back at Kabal and runs over to try and help his friend.)

Stryker: Kabal! Base! Eagle Two!
Dispatch: Go Eagle Two.
Stryker: Need Medevac. Current position. Kabal is down. Third-degree burns.

(While he was speaking to dispatch, Ermac walks up from behind.)

Dispatch: Medevac unit routing to you. ETA ten minutes.

(Just then Ermac uses his magic to pick up Stryker.)

Stryker: What the?!
Dispatch: Say again? Eagle Two, report! Eagle Two!

(And throws him in the subway.)


(Stryker yells as he is thrown down the Subway and gets back up on his feet as Ermac leivates down.)

Ermac: The emperor will have your soul.
Stryker: Yeah? Come and get it!

(Stryker and Ermac then fight with Stryker winning using his Baton.)

Stryker: I think I'll be keeping my soul.

(Just then Nightwolf appears as he stands up the stars.)

Nightwolf: I have been searching for you, Kurtus Stryker.

(Stryker quickly points his gun at Nightwolf.)

Stryker: Well you found me! Who are you?
Nightwolf: I am Nightwolf. Lord Raiden is gathering Earth's defenders. You are among them.
Stryker: What the hell are you talking about?!
Nightwolf: Raiden leads Earth's defense against these Outworld invaders. He is our best hope of survival.
Stryker: Yeah, well. "Earthrealm's defender" is about ten steps above my pay grade.
Nightwolf: I see you doubt yourself, even after your victories. Come.

(Stryker hesitates but ultimately puts his gun down.)


(They soon walk up and out of the Subway see Kabal missing.)

Stryker: Where is he? Medevac hasn't been here yet.
Nightwolf: Perhaps he has gone to find help?

(Nightwolf suggested but Stryker shakes his head.)

Stryker: Naw. He was way to banged up. Someone took him.

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6 more chapters left!!! Ace is getting one and Li Mei may or may not get one idk. I'm kinda thinking about her Chapter could fit in with the story. But if I don't give her a Chapter then it would be 5 more Chapters left.
Hope you enjoyed and see in the next Chapter.

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