Bastard Child: Ace

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(Ace walked through the tower thinking to himself why he let the Thunder god go and he knew if Shao Kahn found out he would be in trouble. He was walking when suddenly Mileena teleported in front of him with her sais in hand.)

Ace: What do you think your doing, Mileena?
Mileena: You let the Earthrealm defenders go back to wherever they are hiding and instead of attack you let them get away. You Betrayed our Father and our Mother and for that.... You will die!

(Ace and Mileena fight with Ace winning using a Axe Combo.)

Ace: With all the warriors you have fought and lost to your not worthy to live.

(Ace then takes his Axe and as he is about to cut Mileena's head off, Baraka walks into the towers.)

Baraka: Back away from her!

(Ace then stops as Baraka walks towards him.)

Ace: I do not want to kill you, Baraka. You have been humiliated for the whole first and second tournament I want to save you anymore embarrassment.
Baraka: Smart words coming from a Orphaned Prince.

(Ace then laughs)

Ace: At least I became a Prince, not a nobody.

(And gets into a fighting stance.)

(Baraka and Ace start to fight with Ace winning using a grab on Baraka.)

Ace: You tried your best I will give you that. But now there is one final part you must play.


The portal that lead to the Subway was surrounded by Cyber Lin Kuei and Sektor, who's task was to kill Ace if he tries to escape Outworld now that he has betrayed Shao Kahn. The portal opened and from the other side Ace pushed Baraka into the Subway and instantly the Cyber Lin Kuei surrounded Baraka electrocuting him. Before they could realize Ace saw the opportunity and quickly destroyed all the Cyber Lin Kuei around Baraka who then fell to the ground. )

Sektor: Shao Kahn would like to have a word with you.
Ace: He would like to have me executed, which is why your here right?
Sektor: I'm here to fulfill my promises the Cyber Lin Kuei made to the Kahn, Ace.

(Ace and Sektor then fight with Ace winning using a sword combo.)

Ace: Your Cyber Lin Kuei was useless to the empire the moment you made your promise, Sektor.

(Ace then looks ahead and walks up the stairs.)


(He walks up to the street level and sees Jade and Kitana as well as some other Earthrealm warriors defeating the rest of Shao Kahn's warrior. He was about to go help when suddenly two small sharp objects land in front of his feet. He then looks up and sees Li Mei.)

Li Mei: The other bastard child of the Kahn.
Ace: I'm sorry. Shao Kahn gave us our orders and yes we played our part in your village's demise, but you can't keep holding on to that grudge forever.

(Ace and Li Mei fight with Ace winning using a fatal blow.)

Ace: I hope one day you will find forgiveness in your heart to forgive us.

(Just then Kitana and Jade walk up to Ace.)

Ace: Kitana. Jade. I'm-

(Ace was cut off by Kitana and Jade as they both walk up towards him and hug him. Ace was surprised but then hugs them back.)

Kitana: We're glad your siding with us now.

(Kitana says as they pull away from the hug.)

Ace: I know what I did was wrong and want to make it up to you guys.
Jade: Well we forgive you, but it's Amora and the others you really need to worry about.

(Ace sighs and then they head towards the temple.)


(Ace, Kitana, and Jade walk towards the table we're Cyber Sub-Zero was unconscious as Amora walks up to all three of them.)

Amora: Hey, Ace.

(She says with a fake smile.)

Ace: Amora-

(Ace was cut off by Amora who then punched him in the face. Ace then looks back at Amora.)

Ace: You happy now?
Amora: No.

(The rest of them look back and as they get ready to fight Kitana puts her hands out and says.)

Kitana: Relax. He's with us.
Ace: Listen I don't expect you all to like me, or forgive me for what I have done. But right now we have a common enemy.
Raiden: I don't trust you, but your right. So let's go and get Sub-Zero turned on.

(He then walks over to the table along with the rest of the Earthrealm warriors.)

A/n: Hello guys so on January 6 it was my birthday and I also want to say lately I have been watching Arrow again and falling in love with Black Siren. So with that being said I will be doing an Arkhamverse series having Black Siren in it as a Batman villain. I'm not going to keep any promises to when the book will be out because I know I won't keep it but a promise I can keep is that I will be making the book. This was a quick one but I hope you enjoy. And I am also going to admit this isn't the best Chapter I have wrote and I kinda don't like it but it is what is.

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