Chapter 1

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Photo by Jay Mantri on StockSnap


I walked up to my apartment building at around 11pm. I'm a little buzzed after three beer bottles but not buzzed enough to sleepover at Cassidy's house. Her boyfriend lives with her now and, well, although I know Cassidy very well, I barely know her boyfriend. I don't think I'd sleep very well on her couch knowing that her boyfriend might be judging my audacity to sleepover because I'm a little drunk especially since I live only three blocks away.

Here I am! Home sweet home! As I climbed up the stairs, I began to recall the events that transpired in the bar. I begin to feel uneasy and wish I drank a little bit more to drown out the awkwardness and pain I feel right now. Upon reaching my apartment door on the second floor, I reached into my pocket to get my keys out. Hmm... it's not there. Maybe, it's in my bag. Although I normally just keep them in my pocket for quick access. Damn! I poured out the contents of my bag on the floor and the keys were not there.

Did I leave it at the bar? The coffee shop? It's Saturday night, Darren - our resident locksmith/repairman is probably out drinking elsewhere. He also likes to charge extra for late hours especially on weekends. I spent money on beer and bills today, I don't wanna spend anymore for a locksmith!

Luckily, this is not the first time that I have lost my keys so I actually have a back up plan. Our old shabby three-story apartment has a fire escape. It takes a bit more coordination than the usual route of entering my apartment but the circumstances leave me no choice.

So here I am, hauling my slightly drunk ass up the fire escape. Lucky for me I live on the second floor so it's not that high and I climb up quite easily. Upon reaching the second floor I easily get to the window of my apartment and pull it open. As I step in, I feel victorious over my little mishap. Unfortunately, as I walked into my bedroom, my foot got caught in something on the floor - probably laundry. I fell to the floor and hit my right elbow and head. Ouch!

With a sore forehead and arm, I sloppily kick my shoes off and crawl into bed. I don't care about anything other than getting some decent sleep tonight. The sooner I fall asleep, the sooner I can escape my memories of tonight's mishaps.


I have never been a fan of moving houses. The only thing I hate more than packing is unpacking! Tonight, I'm not even gonna try. I'll just take out the essentials and the rest of my stuff can live in my suitcase and cardboard boxes. Little by little, they will slowly unpack themselves as I take them out as I deem necessary.

I should just chill tonight and watch a movie or something. THUMP! What the hell? That was from the bedroom. I doubt a rat could make that much noise. Well unless that rat is as big as a dog or large cat. I better check it out! Oh wait, let me get my baseball bat just in case. I cannot believe this is my first night and I already have a potential intruder. Perhaps I should have selected an apartment at the less sketchy side of town. Here goes nothing...

I open the door slowly, and immediately notice the window open. I lift my baseball bat preparing to strike. The light is turned off so I can barely make out the figure on the bed. Before striking, I decide to turn on the light just to see. I don't think I have the stomach to whack a defenseless cat who wandered in from the window. To my surprise, it wasn't a cat. There's a girl sleeping on my bed! I cautiously approach checking to see if she's just pretending to sleep. I can hear her light snores as I come closer.

The girl had long brown wavy hair, fair skin and long dark eyelashes. She wore a pink sweater, blue jeans and white socks with little hearts on them. She slept so deeply, it was like she lived here and I was the creepy intruder. What am I doing? This is my bedroom and she trespassed into my rented property! I need to wake her up!

Hello, excuse me! Miss! EXCUSE ME! You are trespassing here! I tried to make my voice louder but she barely budged. Then she frowned and mumbled: hmm... cold. She moved her legs towards her chest as if trying to assume the fetal position. Oh no, she's cold.

The kind and warm hearted gentleman that I am, I decided to let her sleep for the night. I was even generous enough to lend her my blanket which I had to dig for in my suitcase for almost 10 minutes. Since there was only one bed, I spent my first night in my apartment sleeping on the couch. My legs were definitely longer than the couch so they had to dangle awkwardly at the end. I had to adjust my position every hour for the rest of the night as my back and neck began to rebel against the new sleeping situation.

To be honest, I am not a kind and warm hearted gentleman, I don't know why in the hell did I not just scoop her up and throw her out the window. It seems like the quickest way to getting my bed back and having a chance to sleep soundly. I guess the sweet and innocent face of hers sort of disarmed me of my usual jerk-like ways.

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