Chapter 21

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As soon as Victoria left, I cleaned up my apartment and took a shower. I have to check sales records tonight and see how much progress we've made in the past couple of weeks. I also need to find a way to get a computer in the office where we can keep our records. Storing records on paper and filing cabinets are minimally efficient and prone to errors. There's so much to work on. I can only hope that the farmworkers are willing to trust me with all these changes. I hope that the update on the salaries are also sufficient to keep them happy to keep working with us.

I sighed and rubbed the back of my neck trying to mull over all the farm's issues. Amanda barging in caused so much delay. I was not even able to attend the morning meeting with my uncle because of her. Damn, can we really do this? I barely managed to finish my degree due to all the bullshit I got into. Why did I think I'd be smart enough to help my uncle with our dying farm?

The overwhelming stress that I felt was cut off by a knock on the door. I opened it and Victoria walked in. She wore a white shirt and small pink shorts showing off her sexy legs. Her hair was still wet from her shower and she held a plate of sliced apples and oranges. The sweet fragrance of her newly washed hair and skin crept into my nose. I smiled at her.

"Hello beautiful, what brings you here in this late hour of the night?" I teased.

She frowned and looked slightly embarrassed. "It's only past 8pm and didn't you ask me to sleep with - I mean, sleep next to you tonight? I cut up some fruit for dessert. I thought this could balance out all the fast food and junk food we've been eating lately." Her gaze fixed on the plate trying to hide her blush.

"You're so cute when you blush. I was just teasing you, I'm happy that you've decided to keep me company." I take a slice of apple from the plate she's holding and proceed to sit on the dining table with my laptop.

Victoria sat across the table placing the fruits in the middle of the table. She went back to her apartment to get her journal and bank records. We spent the night across from each other working quietly interrupted only by stolen glances and loving smiles.

Our relationship is not just about romance, it's a partnership. We support each other in reaching our individual goals. We motivate each other to become better versions of ourselves. After a couple of hours, I noticed Victoria's suppressed yawns. It took her by surprise when I lifted her from the chair to carry to bed. She refused at first asking me to put her down but with assurances and some kisses on the neck, she obliged. We spent the night in each other's arms and everything was perfect.

The next couple of days were relatively quiet. We've begun selling the strawberry jams with an updated package label. We have several new sellers now who work under consignment. Our sales have improved a bit and we're optimistic about future improvements in the farm's production and sales.

Victoria finalized her lease for the store space at the south side of town. I accompanied her during her meetings with the contractor who was going to do the renovations to convert the empty store space into a quaint pastry shop. I am so proud of my love. She worked so hard living a very thrifty lifestyle so she could put most of her savings into her dream business.

We spent every night together talking about our day and our plans. We do this in bed as we cuddle and keep each other warm. I've become so accustomed to having her next to me, her scent on my bed and the sheets that it has become difficult to sleep whenever she isn't in bed with me. We alternated between each other's apartment.

"Victoria-love, I was just thinking. Maybe we should just move in together. This apartment is a little bigger so we can stay here. If I organize my stuff and throw out some of my junk, I think there's more than enough space to fit your stuff here." I say softly as I run my fingers through her hair. We're lying in bed enjoying the few minutes of peace before our alarms go off to signal the beginning of another tedious work day.

She lifts her head from my chest and looks up to meet my gaze. She smiled at me looking a bit surprised. "You want us to live together? Aren't we going a little too fast? What if the proximity makes you grow tired of me?"

I frowned. What makes her think I would ever grow tired of her? All this time, I've only wanted to keep her close. Her presence has been like a silver lining, a ray of sunshine in my messy dark world.

"Grow tired of you? I would never grow tired of you. I love you and nothing would make me happier than to have you in my arms as I sleep and wake up next to you everyday."

She blushed and looked dazed upon hearing me. I've never been this sappy with anyone, but with her the words just pour naturally from my heart. Worried that I might be scaring her with the intensity of my emotions, I try to sound more logical.

I clear my throat. "It'll also help you save more money. Instead of paying rent, you can use the money to fund your new bakery. I just want to support you in whatever way I can." I continued caressing her hair, coiling and uncoiling it around my fingers.

"You've been helping me so much already. How about we split the rent 50-50 so you can also save a bit more and invest in the farm?" She said while gazing into my eyes. Her round brown eyes are like little windows to her soul giving me warmth and happiness like I've never felt before.

I stopped playing with her hair and lifted my head and positioned myself on top of her. "Is that a yes, my love?"

She lifts her head towards me and plants a kiss on lips. "Yes, it is." I smile and lean in for another kiss. We spend the next couple of minutes making out until our alarms remind us of the world outside.


After a quick breakfast with Adam I made my way to the coffeeshop. I will only be covering for half a shift today and my main task is to prepare two dozen cupcakes that will be delivered before noon. Everything went well and by 10am, I delivered two boxes of freshly baked cupcakes to one of our most loyal customers, Linda. She's a mother of three and her youngest daughter was hosting a small party for her friends from school.

After my delivery run, I decided to take a quick walk. I haven't been to the east side of town in a while. This is Sam's neighborhood and I used to come here all the time to visit his mom and his little sister. I've become quite close to them over the years.

As I prepared to cross the street waiting for the traffic light to turn red, a voice called me from behind. It's Mary, Sam's mother. I waved at her and smiled. She quickly approached me and gave me a hug.

"Tori, my dear! I haven't seen you in a while. I missed you!" She said warmly. Mary has always been like a mother to me. She worried about my health and what I ate like I was her own daughter.

Before I could get a chance to respond. "Are you busy? Do you think you have time to stop by at home for a few minutes?"

I wasn't expecting this. Sam probably hasn't told her about our recent problems. I contemplated on how to decline without offending her. I unconsciously looked down and noticed that she was holding a plastic bag with the logo of a local drugstore.

I look up to meet her eyes and can't help but feel worried. "Mary, are you sick?"

She lifted the plastic bag and sighed. "It's not for me, it's for Sam. He's been sick these past couple of days. He refuses to eat and even had a drinking spree 2 days ago. He's been skipping work this past week as well. I have been so worried about him but he wouldn't tell me what's wrong. That's why I'm so glad I ran into you. I hope you can visit him if you have time." Her face was laced with worry as she looked at me.

"I, uh, don't think it's..." Before I could finish my sentence, she took my hand and squeezed it.

"Please, dear, you're his closest friend. I don't know what to do anymore. He even went home with bruises on his face a few days ago. I kept asking him who he fought with but he kept ignoring me and making all sorts of excuses. I've never seen him like this."

I sighed and nodded reluctantly. Despite everything, I still care about Sam. He is a dear friend and I can't just ignore Mary. She's like a mother to me. It's also hard to ignore the squirming guilt in my stomach upon recalling his fight with Adam.

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