Chapter 19

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Hearing Amanda call herself my girlfriend in front of Victoria infuriated me. Before I could humiliate the bitch, I found myself panicking as I saw Victoria walk away.

I can't handle it. I don't want any misunderstandings between us. I went after her and grabbed her hand. I asked her to let me explain. I was prepared to beg if she refused. Screw dignity, this girl is my world.

She turned around, I could see how she was struggling to keep herself calm. This is my chance. Without letting go of her hand, I faced Amanda.

"Amanda, this is Victoria. She is my girlfriend. I want you to apologize for causing her unnecessary stress with your bullshit." I said firmly.

Amanda laughed for a few seconds and looked at Victoria with pity.

"Wow you've been here for less than a month and you already got some townie slut to warm your bed. Let's be realistic here, girlfriend? more like flavor of the month"

Rage consumed me at this point and I wanted to hit her.

"No, Amanda. I'm serious. I love her."

Victoria did not move at all during this time. I was so scared she would pull away from me but she didn't. I looked at her afraid to see her hurt.

"I love you"

I said it in the most honest and heartfelt way. The last time I said those words were to my mother the day of her funeral. Since then I have not had anyone, not even my father, be worthy of my love but now the feelings burned in my heart as the words left my mouth. I really do love her!

Victoria met my gaze with a pained expression. She looked down on our intertwined hands and gently pulled her hand away.

"I have to go. Let's talk about this later."

Right before she walked away she turned towards Amanda.

"Amanda, I don't know who you are but I hope you leave as soon as possible. Insulting me won't get you what you want. You just made yourself look desperate and pitiful."

Hearing Victoria berate Amanda in a calm and confident tone was the most amazing thing I've ever seen. She walked away. James awkwardly said goodbye to us and proceeded to order at the counter.

I still want to make sure that she's okay. I went after her outside the restaurant.

"Victoria, I am so sorry about this, Amanda is just some girl from my past. I swear I meant what I said." I said in a pleading voice. She turned around with the same pained expression as before.

I walked towards her and hugged her. I hugged her earnestly as if my entire world would fall apart if she let go. Victoria began to say something, but Amanda's screaming interrupted her.

"I hate you, Adam! How can you do this to me! I'll teach you and you're stupid bitch a lesson!"

I stopped hugging Victoria to respond to Amanda. The moment I moved away from Victoria, Amanda tried to attack her. Amanda has always had violent tendencies but that was mostly against lovers who'd cheat or lie to her.

Before she could touch Victoria, I blocked her. She tried to push me aside as she grabbed my shirt. I could feel some of her nails scratching my neck and shoulder in the process. I tried to grab her arms to get her to stop. I ended up pushing her a bit more forcefully than intended. She fell down on the sidewalk into a sitting position. She winced in pain from the fall.

She looked at me angrily. As she tried to stand up, she noticed that people began to watch the altercation and whisper among themselves about what was happening. There was a look of horror and shame on her face. She ran towards the road and got in a cab.

The whole incident happened so fast and I felt anxious. My dark and complicated past has manifested itself in the most scandalous way. Why can't I just live my life peacefully and start anew?

I move to face Victoria.

"Victoria, I'm very sorry. I..." I found myself at a loss for words. There's no explaining this.

"Stop saying you're sorry. Let's talk about this clearly later. I just hope she doesn't bother you anymore." She said in a surprisingly reassuring tone. All I could do was hug her.

In a few minutes, I walked her to James' car and they left to finish their errands.


I was far from calm when I rode James' car. My heart beat loudly in my chest and my palms were sweating. Arguments made me anxious because most of the time they escalate to fighting. I have seen my parents evolve from talking to hitting each other so many times that my body has developed an automatic panic mode whenever someone begins to argue.

Amanda's unexpected violent outburst got me all shaken up again just like with Sam. My anxiety was mixed with worry for Adam and anger for Amanda. A part of my brain was beginning to be consumed by doubt about Adam and his true feelings. Being called flavor of the month left a pretty deep cut to my ego as well. I must not make assumptions nor should I allow myself to feel pain over these things. I will wait until Adam and I have a chance to talk so there are no misunderstandings.

"You okay?" James said worriedly as he studied my facial expression.

"I'm just a bit shaken up. Can you please not tell anyone about this? I don't really know the full story either and I -"

"Say no more. I respect your privacy." James gave me a reassuring smile.

"I was just surprised, you know. I mean I guess it's normal for you to start dating to help you get over Sam, but don't you think it's a little bit too fast that you've already committed to Adam? Especially since he seems to have a complicated past with his ex." He said, giving me a concerned look.

What should I do? Do I tell James that technically, Adam and I haven't discussed it yet? Although considering how strongly we felt about each other and how much we've done together, it's sort of implied. Oh shit, another implied relationship? Implied commitment? NO, NO, NO. I have learned my lesson with Sam, I am confronting Adam and settling this. Relationships must be clearly defined so that expectations and boundaries are set properly as well.

"I don't really feel comfortable talking about this James. I'd rather just talk with Adam first." I said in a calm tone hoping that he would leave it there. It's none of his business anyway.

I took deep breaths and took control of my emotions and flurry of thoughts. It's only noon, and it has been one hell of a day.

Fortunately, the rest of the day went by like a blur. James was true to his word and did not mention anything when we got back to the coffee shop.

Upon going out of the coffee shop at the end of my shift, I see Adam by the sidewalk waiting for me. I had mixed emotions seeing him there. The front of the coffee shop is becoming a rendezvous point for disaster. I walked towards him. Upon hearing my footsteps, he turned around with a look of relief on his face.

"Victoria, I've bought food and was wondering if you want to join me for dinner at my place?" He looked at me intently with a look of desperation on his face.

My heart felt heavy seeing him look so upset. The events that transpired earlier swirled around in my head. Unable to find words, I simply nodded and walked back to the apartment.

He kept looking at me like he was about to say something but then would hesitate and look away. After a block, he walked closer towards me and held my hand. He squeezed it and looked at me tenderly.

"I'll explain everything once we're at my apartment. I promise."

I took a deep breath and gave him a smile. We were so happy before all this went down. We just needed to clear the air and everything would go back to normal.

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