Chapter 12

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I slammed the door closed and rested my back against it trying to make sense of what I just did. This is probably a dream and I'm just too drunk to recognize it. I pinched my left arm. Ouch!

Damn it! It's real. Why would I do that? It's quite impulsive of me. I did feel uneasy about how attractive Adam looked when I greeted him at the coffee shop. I bit my lip as I thought about his smile and his voice as he spoke at the bar and nonchalantly answered all of Cassidy and Nick's questions. My heart skipped a beat as I thought about waking up in his arms when he scooped me up. I caught a whiff of his perfume and it was beyond sexy.

I couldn't take it. I ran towards my bed and buried my face in the pillow. "What the heck is wrong with me? Am I a dog in heat? How the hell am I gonna face him after this?"

I screamed into a pillow then sat up. It's fine, it's totally fine. Friends kiss each other goodnight all the time. It was just a peck, it's not like I stuck my tongue down his throat or anything. It's not a big deal. Tomorrow, I'm just gonna pretend like nothing happened.

I woke up early the next morning feeling refreshed and excited. I have baking classes later. I've been looking forward to that all week. Plus, James, Nick's brother mentioned that a spot opened up along the stores at the edge of town. He told me about it a week ago and talked to the owner. He said that rent is negotiable and the space has a built-in mini kitchen.

With a bit of luck, my savings might be enough for me to get a lease on it. I've been working hard and saving up since I moved here over two years ago. Although there were some minor setbacks, I hope my savings will be enough this time.

I started my day with a quick jog to energize myself for the awesome day ahead. I take a quick shower and dry my hair. I rearranged my clothes a couple of days ago and rediscovered some wardrobe treasures that have been buried there for a while. I think I'm gonna dress up a little bit today.

I wore my white floral blouse. This was one of my more feminine clothes and I rarely wore it unless I wanted to look particularly pretty. I also wore my light blue form fitting jeans. There was no way I'd wear my work pants with this blouse. Instead of sneakers I go for my pastel pink flats. I'll leave my hair down and just tie it up later for baking class. I wear my grandmother's necklace with a heart locket. It's my only gold jewelry and easily the most important thing I own. Lip gloss, a little bit of perfume and tadaaa, I look nice today!

I get my purse and head for the door. It was another beautiful morning in Laguna Springs. I smile while looking around taking in the warmth and happiness this town brings me. God, I love this town! As I began walking, somebody called me from behind.

"Victoria? Is that you?" I turned around and lo and behold it's... Adam. Here we go, play it cool. Play it cool. "Hi Adam! Good morning!"

He took a while to respond and just stood there looking at me. He finally finds his voice. "Wow, you look exceptionally pretty today. Hot date?"

I laugh and feel my cheek blush from the compliment. "Thank you, um, yes I'm taking myself out on a date today. I'm gonna go to the south side of town to check out a potential space for my bakery and then I'll head to the next town for advanced baking classes."

He's spacing out again. What is up with him today? Maybe he feels awkward because of the kiss?

"Adam, are you okay?"


I was not prepared to see Victoria looking so lovely today. I began to debate internally if this is a good time to finally ask her out on a proper date. The kiss on the cheek last night got me all excited thinking she might like me as well. Maybe it won't be too soon to ask her out.

But now, well, I'm feeling uncertain again. I snap out from the frenzy of thoughts rushing through my brain and manage to answer her. "I'm fine. I just realized that we are going the same way. I have to stop by the farm this morning to get some stuff and it's also on the south side of town. I'm actually on my way to the bus stop right now."

Her face lights up and she smiles. "Great! We can take the bus together. Let's go!"

We walked towards the bus stop together. We even sat next to each other on the bus. We talked about random things like the weather. Then, she asked me about the farm and how it's going. I began to explain our new marketing strategy and the consignment system.

She listened intently, and asked me questions about the marketing strategy, profit enhancement and management details. It was nice to talk to someone who genuinely cared and showed interest in my affairs.

This is how it should be, right? I remember all the times I've dated women who wanted to discuss their job and their day with me and I'd pretend to listen. In return, I'd also try to tell them about my day and they'd just just pretend to listen as well.

Damn, I was messed up. Going into a relationship for the flare and the sex with no real conviction to be emotionally involved.

Once I finished updating her about the farm, she suddenly got excited and exclaimed. "Wait, is the consignment strategy for the farmworkers only or can anyone do it? As I mentioned earlier, I have baking classes in the next town, Willowdale. Maybe I can take a couple of jars with me and offer it to my classmates? They're always mixing it up and trying to find the best brands to use for baking.

"Yes, that would be amazing. Thank you! I can get the jars from the farm and meet you again later."

She smiled and nodded. "Okay, you can just text me." She paused and we both realized we don't have each other's number. I took out my phone and handed it to her. Now, we're getting somewhere. She types in her number then hands me her phone as well. I typed my number and returned it to her.

We got off the bus together. We would be heading in opposite directions at this point but I didn't want to say goodbye yet. I try to negotiate.

"Can I walk you to the store location? It's still a bit early for me, anyway. The trip to the farm is fairly quick as well."

"Okay! Actually, if you have spare time, can you please give me some advice regarding the location and the terms of the lease? I won't be signing a contract yet but I might make an offer already."

"Sure, I'd love to help you!"

She claps her hands together and happily looks at me. She's so cute!

"Yey, thank you so much! Oh and maybe I can just go to the farm with you after. That way you won't have to walk back just to meet me."

I smiled and felt victorious! This means we will be spending more time together. Perfect.

We walk towards the vacant store space. It was a decent size and the floors had some old floor tiles but it seemed like a good spot for a bakeshop. It was between a bookstore and pharmacy so location wise, it's quite strategic for any food business.

There's a small door at the back of the store which leads into a small room with kitchen counters and a sink. There were also kitchen cabinets above to store supplies and goods. I think for a starter shop it had potential.

It was so nice watching Victoria carefully examining every corner of the store and how her face lit up with excitement as she discussed her plans for the store. She was so passionate about this business. I think one of the reasons I also work hard and feel passionate about the farm was because of Victoria. She inspired me. She worked hard for years to save up for this space. Despite all the difficulties, she continued to persevere.

Comparatively, I was a bit luckier. Our family had some money so I did not have to save or work much for anything growing up. I only began to take money seriously when my father finally cut me off after I got arrested for drunk driving for the second time. I had a turbulent relationship with my family but financially I was quite well off.

After going around the space, we spent about half an hour talking with the owner. No contracts were signed but it seems he and Victoria would be able to reach an agreement quite smoothly.

Victoria thanked me for accompanying her and we made our way to the farm. 

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