Chapter 17

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After spending an entire day in bed with Victoria, I woke up feeling absolute happiness. It felt like my past life did not even exist. The only thing that matters is the present. My new world is full of possibilities, hope, happiness and she slept comfortably on my chest.

I ran my hand through her soft brown hair down to her neck and naked back. She let out a soft moan awakened by my touch. As she slowly moved her head towards the pillow beside me, I began to turn and position myself on top of her and kiss her jawline.

"What are you doing? We have work today! I can't miss another shift." Victoria protested. She crossed her arms over her chest to cover her breasts. The sun flickered into the window showing her messy hair and flushed cheeks.

Damn it I'm like a dog in heat or something. I can't get enough of her. Unfortunately, she's right. As perfect as it is to stay in our love nest, we're adults and we've got stuff to do.

I smiled and gave her one more kiss on the lips then climbed out of the bed. I put on some boxers and walked towards the fridge to check what I could use to make breakfast.

"I have some bacon next door. I'll cook breakfast there then you can come over once you're ready." I say as I put on a shirt and pick up my pants from the floor.

"Victoria?" I called out her name again. Did she fall asleep again?

"Okay. I'll just shower first. I'll see you there." She said in a sleepy tone. I did a double take if I should just shower with her and save water but it's probably not a good idea. Yesterday, the shower led to other things and well it just doesn't end for me. I'm addicted and I can't help it.

I happily prepared breakfast and set the table. Afterwards, I took a quick shower and got dressed ready to have breakfast with my love. My preparations were suddenly disturbed by my phone. Amanda was calling me.

Amanda is an old flame whom I have dated on and off since high school. She'd get me to beat up a cheating boyfriend every now and then. Her father is a prosecutor so, in exchange, she helps me with my little tangles with the law. When she found out I was going to move to a far away town, she flipped.

She went to my place and told me she loved me. She even tried to get me to have sex with her telling me that it will remind me of my love for her. The thing is, I don't think I ever loved her. She was just like those other women who I couldn't care less about. The things we did for each other were transactional. I do one thing for her; she does something in exchange. That was not love.

I persistently rejected her and told her that I am committed to moving. I even sold my car just to make sure I had enough funds to start anew. The last time I saw her she went crazy and started to thrash my place. I grabbed her and pushed her out to the streets before she could do anymore damage.

I can still remember her yelling at me: "YOU SON OF A BITCH! YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME! I WILL GET YOU FOR THIS! I HATE YOU!"

The whole scene was just too much. My original plan was to move 2 days after but after all that, I moved that very same night. I just stuffed whatever is left of my shit into boxes and left. I got the feeling that I really pissed her off and that she would go after me. Her father could easily have me arrested for so many stupid things I did.

Recalling my complicated history with Amanda took a while. By the time I snapped out of it, the call had been dropped. Once again the shadows of the past are creeping back into my new world. Luckily, my ray of sunshine walked into the door just as I began to feel the stress.

She walked in smiling and looking fresh and beautiful as usual. She gave me a kiss and complimented the breakfast. I buried all my troubled thoughts and enjoyed a breakfast with my love. Then, I walked her to the coffee shop and made my way to the farm.

I got to the farm feeling as determined as ever. I need to do everything I can to help make this farm as highly profitable as possible and maybe even expand its production line. Afterwards, I could maybe get a house somewhere here then Victoria and I could move in together. I never thought I'd be this sappy, sentimental happy guy until I met her.

I went to the main building to check if the new print labels had arrived. We modified the design of the strawberry jar labels and the first batch is set to arrive today. As I walked in, my uncle greeted me.

"Good morning, Adam! I'm glad you're here. Someone's been looking for you. I asked her to wait in your office."

"Good morning to you too, Uncle Louise. I'll go ahead to the office then" I answered him as I walked toward the office.

"Adam-baby, I missed you!" Amanda said in a sing-song manner as she kissed my cheek and hugged me.

"Amanda!? How did you-" I asked in a confused manner.

"What? Don't think you can just run away from me. But don't worry, I've realized that it was wrong of me to force you to stay in a place where you were not happy anymore. It took a while for me to find out where you are but my love for you helped me persevere!"

She kept her arms around my neck as she explained herself and as she finished she leaned forward for a kiss. I removed her arms and stepped back.

"Amanda, I left town so I could start fresh and make better choices. I'm starting to feel like I'm becoming a better person now. You should try to do the same. We're not right for each other. Our relationship back then was built on bad choices, revenge and violence. That was not love."

I tried to reason with her. Her smile began to morph into a frown. She started to yell.

"Adam, I did not come all the way here to be rejected. You OWE me. If it wasn't for me, you would be in prison right now for the shit you've done. I protected you then but I can just as easily turn you in now."

She threatened me as she crossed her arms in front of her chest. I am not going to give in to the little shit. I have found someone I truly loved and I will not let our future be ruined by this idiot.

"What will you turn me in for? Violence? May I remind you that several of the fights I've gotten into are because of you? You keep entangling yourself with violent and abusive bastards who cheat on you then when you snap out of your little love fest you call me to clean up your mess."

Her angry expression softened and she touched my hand.

"You see? All those times you've protected me and you were always there for me when my world felt like it was falling apart. I was confused then and I did not know what I wanted. But now I do. I just want to be with you. We're both broken in our ways but together we'll feel complete and happy."

I sighed and took my hand back.

"Amanda, you can't force a relationship like this. I don't love you. You need to find someone that you can love and will love you right back the way you deserve. I can't give you that. Please just go."

She looked at me disappointed and hurt. She looked around contemplating what to say next. Ugh, this conversation is far from over.

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