Chapter 1: Zaun and piltover

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Grunts and screams could be heard in the little ally behind The Last Drop. Vi weaved behind another hit her gaze focused and ready before giving a punch of her own knocking the guy down. Turning to the next guy she kicked his stomach then punched his face knocking him down and out. Panting and standing amping the bodies she growls and starts walking away.

All her life she had to fight for something. The streets of Piltover were mean, disgusting, and cruel. If you didn't fight to survive, well you wouldn't survive at all. Vi's family learned that the hard way and left her alone when she was 5. She's now 21 and is no better.

Rounding the corner to a small hut her scowl turns to a half smile. Walking in she plops down on the bed, grabs a med kit from the shelf, and starts wrapping up wounds. She did this while thinking back to the fight.

Those guys weren't your normal Drunks. They were enforcers out of uniform and looking for a place to relax. That made her scowl again, she hates the enforcers for what they did to her. Finishing the wraps she lays down and curls up, ready to fight if it's needed, then slowly falls asleep.

The sounds of a knock had Caitlyn up in surprise. Calling out a come in she scoots to the end of the bed and stands. When she looks at the door she sees Jayce standing at the doorway.

"Morning Caitlyn, wanted to know if you want to help me in the labs?"
"What did you do this time Jayce?" "You know how we are building hextech? Well we found a way to make it into Guantlets. Cmon I'll show you!" "Let me get dressed first Jayce." "Ah yes I'll wait downstairs then."

The sound of the door opening and closing snapped Caitlyn to move. She gathered the clothes she would need then heads into her bathroom and turns on the shower. Stripping off her sleepwear she steps into the shower. Once down she quickly towel dries then starts putting on her clothing. Finishing that she heads downstairs to eat and meet up with Jayce only to see her dad and Jayce talking at the door.

She heads to the kitchen where a plate of eggs, bacon, and french toast was waiting for her. She took her time eating it as she goes over the plan for today, go to the lab with jayce, then go to Work. She was the Sheirff of the enforcers so she could wait to go in for alittle longer. Finishing the food she walks back over to Jayce noticing her dad was gone.

As they walked she asked what her dad was talking to him about. "Ah he wanted to know how the hextech was coming along." "Hm, he's not usually into that." "Well it is his money going into the funds so it makes sense."

3 hours later Caitlyn was walking to the Police department. It was in between the higher and lower parts of Piltover so she saw a lot of lower life's around there. Snuffing her nose she walks in sits down and goes to work.

Seeing a new folder on her desk she looks it over. It was a new job for her in the lower Piltover. To catch the one causing so many enforcers into hospital. The name looked like to be a numeral number: 6 and she seemed to be around Caitlyns age, had shocking pink hair, and tattoos. Caitlyn picked up her gun, slings it on her back and gets ready to go.

She would find this brawler and instead of locking her up, she would recruit her into the force. It would be a good addition since she seems to be strong.

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