24. Silco must pay

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As soon as Caitlyn burst through the door she was directed to the medical ward, she heard someone in the office calling the ambulance as well, most likely since Vi seemed really beat up. Caitlyn laied her gently on the bed heart breaking at her soft groan and started trying to clean most of the smaller wounds.

In what felt like forever, however was only 30 minutes, the actual doctors came by and started working on her immediately shifting her to a garney and swiftly moving to the car Caitlyn following behind with the rest of the force helping where they can. Climbing in to the ambulance she gripped VI's hand softly, the EMT's working around her.

When they reached the hospital they took Vi back immediately. Caitlyn called her parents to let her know they were yet again in the hospital and letting them know why. Soon enough Caitlyn's dad came by, just coming over from checking with a patient himself and brought his child into a tight hug. Her mom soon joined them, coming form a councilor meeting, and comforting Caitlyn.

"Caitlyn? What happened?" Cassandra asked softly pulling away to look her daughter in the face. "Silco got out... we don't know how but he was out to get Vi, beat her with his "shimmer monsters" then left, possibly thinking she didn't survive." Caitlyn said anger clear on her face.

Cassandra nodded and immediately stepped away making calls to the council and Enfocers to get Silco behind bars or infront of a firing stall. Caitlyn watched her mother walk away before facing her father. "It's okay hon, she survived once, she will survive again.." "dad, it was shimmer monsters, you seen what they do.." "I know love, but she will be fine okay?"

Caitlyn nodded finally and her father, after kissing her forehead, left behind the doors, most likely to check on Vi as Caitlyn Settled in her seat for the long wait.

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