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With those words Caitlyn stood rustled a few papers out of order but she didn't worry as she raced out of her office trying to appear casual. Once outside she got into her police cruiser and drove to the hospital quickly.

Walking in she looks around to see her father standing in the waiting room his face broken into a grin once he spotted her. Cautlyn walked up to her father trying to appear normal but her whole body betrayed her excitement. "Hi father, is she really up?"

Her father nodded. "Yes she just woke up this morning! Cmon I'll show you." With that he turned and led his daughter to Vi's room. The entire time Caitlin was worried on how she would talk to Vi.

They reached the door and Tobias hugged she'd daughter before leaving her allowing her the chance to talk to Vi by herself. Working up enough courage she went in smiling softly to see Vi sleeping softly, the feeding tube no longer in her throat and a small plate of food half eaten on the bedside table.

Caitlyn gently sat down and took Vi's hand gently waiting for her to wake up again. She didn't have to wait to long as as soon as she touched Vi's hand she groaned softly. She watched with baited breath as vi blinked awake slowly and looks around.

As soon as Vi laid eyes on Caitlin she shot up immidelty regretting it as a sharp pain hit her in the head and side. Caitlin was immediately over her gently laying her back. "Hey love, I'm so glad your okay!" "Cu-cupcake..? Why do you look so messy?"

"You were out for 3 weeks love, coma from the pain." Caitlin explained gently. "That don't explain how you look so bad." Vi quipped back. "I'll explain everything...

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