25. Slow recovery

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It had been 3 weeks since the Silco had his shimmer filled followers attack Vi. Three weeks since Vi was put into a coma. Her wounds healed nicely and now were just new scars.

Vi had less machines on her now. She lost the blood IV drip and breathing mask, yet she had the heart rate monitor, a fluids IV drip, and feeding tube. Her skin was also lighter than the tan hue Caitlyn got used to.

As for Caitlin her own well-being deteriorated. Instead of the clean proper sheriff everyone knew she was reduced to messy hair, always tired but refused to leave Vi's side to sleep, messy clothes, and skinner. Her skin was lighter than normal as well.

She would go in to work for the day, then spent the night at the hospital to watch over Vi. She has done this since she found out Vi slipped into a coma. Her parents tried talking to her to go sleep in a actual bed, but was quickly shut down.

It was the middle of the day when the working nurse heard a soft groan which immediately turned into a cough and shuffling. Turning the nurse saw Vi blink her eyes then immediately shut them giving a soft whimper.

She was quick to draw the curtains and turn off the light to help her as well as gently but swiftly removed the feeding tube and handing her a water. She quickly ran out to get Tobias since he insisted that if anything happened to get him first.

In them returning he could see Vi fully up but confused. "Vi! Your awake, how are you feeling?" He walked up to her bedside being careful and knowing that if Vi thought he was a threat she wouldn't hesitate to punch.

"Toias?" "Dat you..?" Vi slurred back still sleepy ridden and voice hoarse dispute the water. "Yes Vi its Tobias kiramann, how are you feeling?" "Like crap.." Vi responded looking around "where Caitlin? She isn't hurt right?" Her voice got stronger and hinted sorry as she struggled to sit up." "We will call her immediately okay, relax and try to rest some more."

That seemed to flip a switch because Vi was laying down and falling asleep quickly all her energy spent bu talking and trying to sit up. Tobias walked out of the room telling the nurse to keep a eye on her, then immediately called Caitlyn first knowing that his daughter will be extremely glad her partner had woken up.

"Hello? Caitlyn Kiramann speaking. Whats wrong dad?"  "Hi honey, good news, Vi had just woken up!"

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