40- finally rest they need

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Jayce carried Caitlyn carefully to the hospital her father worked at ignoring the pleads to go back and help Vi. Since she had woken up from getting knocked unconscious she been begging to go back and help Vi dispte her being hurt.

Jayce couldn't lie and say he wasn't worried about the Brawler, however he knew that she would be just fine and hopefully knew how to back out of a losing fight. Gently passing Caitlyn off to her father, who brought her in immediately, he turned and left out the door intending to go straight to Vi.

Half way back he saw a figure slowly making their way towards the hospital. From the way they moved he could tell they had a concussion and were limping pretty bad, keeping a arm wrapped protectively around their middle and ribs. As they stepped into the light of a streetlamp he saw a shock of pink hair and knew immediately who it was.

Rushing over and gently offering her help, to the gruff "thanks" though her voice sounded like she was in full pain, he helped her make her way to the hospital. Once there however she refused to be checked instead asking if she could go and see Caitlyn.

Ignoring what the nurses, doctors and even Jayce were saying and continuing to argue with the nurses they finally relented and let her go see Caitlyn, Jayce following shortly behind to make sure she didn't collapse on the way. When they reached the door Vi hesitated for a second before opening the door and taking in the view of Caitlyn on the bed.

Caitlyns eyes immediately lit up seeing vi and when she lifted her arms, vi didn't hesitate to pull her into a tight hug, only flinching slightly when Caitlyn hugged tightly back and aggravating her ribs. Immediately feeling the flinch Caitlyn pulled back and gave a stern glare at Vi.

"Why, praise tell, have you not been checked..? You look terrible." Vi just chuckled slughtly Turing to hide from the Kiramann temper. "I- wanted to make sure you were okay.. unlike you I know how to handle punches." "Is that why you look like your about to topple over?" Vi just went silent ducking her head to avoid looking at Caitlyn. Jayce excused himself to get a nurse to finally check over Vi.

Caitlyn sighed and scooted in the bed patting beside her and smiled when Vi slowly walked over and plopped on the bed hissing softly as pain flared up. Caitlyn gently brought Vi down to a laying position with her and curled around Vi, soon leading them both to fall asleep.

When Jayce returned he could only smile gently and him, and the nurse, left the room intent on letting the two women sleep for now, in the saftey of each other's arms.

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