35. Down Bad

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As Caitlyn predicted Vi had gotten sick. It wasn't anything bad, at least nothing that keeps her bed ridden for long but it still hurt Caitlyn to see her down. Vi had woken up once mumbling about a dark shape before the fever took over and put her to sleep again.

It took a few days before Vi was back on her feet. Once Vi showed no sign of sickness and was moving around fine she sat her down.

"Violet, what happened a few days ago?" Caitlyn stated as soon as Vi was sitting down, causing her to look up in confusion. "A lot happened in the past week cupcake.. gotta elaborate." "Rain day? Like 3 days ago." It took a moment but Vi's eyes lit up in recognition and she nods.

"OOOOO.. well when I left it had started raining.. I looked down a dark alley and thought I saw something so went to explore further and saw a person.. about my height but skinny like you.... I don't remeber anything after that.." vi huffed softly and looks over at her girlfriend curious.

"Why? Did you see something?" Caitlyn responded with a shake of her head. "Nah.. saw you in a dark alley.. thought you went to the bar, got drunk then started a fight you obviously couldn't win." Caitlyn snickered at the fake huff expression on Vi's face.

"hey! There no fight I Can't win!" Vi boasted putting on a smug front onky to lose it when Caitlyn suddenly tackled her. Both landing on the couch Vi started up and Caitlyn with a mischievous look. Caitlyn took that moment to scramble off Vi and start running shrieks and laughs filling the hallways as Vi gave chase.

Later that night both where curled up in bed, both asleep. Well Vi was fast asleep snoring away on her back while Caitlyn was sitting up going over some notes. She got up to grab something from her desk, unaware of someone else in the room sneaking behind her. Caitlyn glanced up and made eye contact with another person, however before she could raise the alarm a sudden spike of pain centered around her head then blackness.

(Sorry for taking so long to update guys, I've been trying to figure out how to get this chapter to sound good, also sorry this chapter is all over the place)

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