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It had been a few years since the fall of Urgot and Silco. Since then Vi and Caitlyn had swiftly risen in the ranks becoming g the best Sheriff and second in command Piltover has seen since Grayson. In those few years they had managed to destroy every shimmer outpost, and stomp down when someone tried to take over Zaun, trying to become the "Ruler".

Zaun and Piltover are now twin sister cities once again, both a safe Haven for Pilites and Trenchers to live peacefully, minus the occasional outburst. Zaun is now cleaned from Shimmer, and everyone has a job well enough that they all have homes. Vi had made sure of that so no child ever had to live in poverty like she once had, while Caitlyn used her power from Above to convince the Council to give the trenchers jobs as well as money to fix up the city of Zaun.

Zaun has its own independence, it's own government chosen by the people, and the police force now protects both cities. It had all been peaceful with Vi'a connection to the underground and Caitlyn's connection to Piltover. They had made both cities safe once again.

As for the two, they happily married a year ago and had a small apartment, and thanks to Vicktor and Jayce's work, are now expecting Twins on the way. They couldn't be happier and are truly a insperation to all as more people saw the goodness of any Trencher.

Vicktor had unexpectedly passed a few weeks before Zaun got their independence. His sickness became to much, and despite them both looking for a way to help him, it ended up not being enough. But with everything Jayce does, he knows his partner will always be there to guide him, one way or another, and vouches to take on another apprentice from the undercity, to give another kid a chance like Vickto had.

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