Chapter 20- Corrections to the Stillwater System

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It's been 5 weeks since Vi joined the force. Caitlyn was there to help her and the two were unstoppable. They busted almost every mission, although Vi was more of a punch first, talk later, it helped with detaining people. And with Caitlyns sharp shooting skills they were a good team.

However Vi refused to open up about most things. Caitlin and some of the others on the force who are okay with Vi noticed that she would flinch at any sound of a Cane or thump in the building, she would shy away if someone, other than Caitlin was way to close to her, and used her humor to lighten up the air if it got to heavy.

When cautlyn had enough she cornered Vi on her way out. "Vi are you okay?" "Uh yea cupcake, why wouldn't I be?" "Well you flinch at any thump or click of a cane, shuffle away from someone if they are to close, and if the conversation gets to Stillwater you shuffle away."

Vi's expression turned gaurded and wary. "Look cupcake, Stillwater was a bad time for me okay? One I'd like to forget." "Alright vi, cmon lets get back then."

That night Caitlyn laid awake and was shuffling through reports of Stillwater when she noticed the last digit of one of the files. 516. She picked it up and was shuffling through it, reading it and growing more and more saddened. Reports of her "disobedience", her fights, and the warden's "talks" with vi. As well as the Enforcers attacks on her. It all added up.

Caitlin was determined to help Vi and Fix up the system so that no kid ends up like how Vi did.

Little did they know, corruption was happening within the prison. And a certain someone was waiting for revenge.

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