Chapter 6: Finished the job? FREEDOM

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Caitlyn soon woke to the sound of Vi talking. It wasn't her normal voice so something must've been happening. Caitlyn got up and peaked out the open door to see Silco and Vi talking. Silco had Shimmer in his hands and was giving it to the weak people at his side. "Why are you coming after me! I did nothing!" "That's exactly why. You did nothing to stop your Family's death. You didn't try to help Vander when he died either did you." Caitlyn saw how Vi's face fell slightly at that but it was gone before she had time to blink.
"You'll pay for that." As soon as she said that Vi launched herself at Silco. The people at his side drank the Shimmer and transformed into monster. Launching themselves at Vi they swiftly punched her aside. Vi retailed but was soon easily surrounded. Her punched were doing nothing to the monsters while their punches looked like they were going to knock her down.

Vi cried out softly at a punch to the stomach and was knocked off her feet. Vi's body hitting the ground with a soft thump finally made Caitlyn start moving. She grabbed her gun and steadied her aim shooting at the monsters. They seemed to work as the monster cried out and ran off leaving Silco free. Silco was looking around for the shots backing up. Caitlyn aimed at his leg and knocked him down with a single shot.

Vi was getting back up as Caitlyn ran over. Helping her fully up and after checking she will be fine Caitlyn walked to the downed Industrialist and handcuffed his hands. "Silco your under arrest for illegal distribution of Shimmer and harming a officer." Vi walked over and picked him up roughly nodding at Caitlyn. They climbed back up and headed out of Zaun Silco in custody.

Caitlyn led the way back to the station where she told the Sheirff what happened and handed Silco over for questioning. Vi and Caitlyn watched as Silco was dragged into a room before heading to Caitlyns office. "Jobs done. Am I going back to Stillwater?" Vi asked confused on why there wasn't any enforcers already retraining her. "No, I said I was breaking you out to be free. No more Stillwater."

Caitlyn watched the pure confusion wash away to surprise. Just seeing that look made Caitlyn heartbroken. What happened to this girl to lose her trust in others words. "Wait you actually meant it..?" "Yes Vi. Your free, you can go back to Zaun." Vi rushed forward and hugged Caitlyn tightly. "Th-thank you sooo much cupcake... I want to join the enforcers... it's amazing what you guys do here. But I need time to myself first."

Caitlyn smiled and hugged back gently. "Go take some time, we will love to have you on the team Vi." Vi nodded and stepped back. Waving a goodbye and promising to return Vi left the station running back to Zaun. She was free from Stillwater and she had no intention of wasting it.

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