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It was late when Caitlyn decided to head home. She hadn't received a text from Vi to say she was home as usual but she chalked it up to Vi being exhausted. As Caitlyn was the last one she locked up the place before starting the walk home. The heavy clouds had decided to break when she was working and it had seemed to be raining for awhile, so she pulled her umbrella out and opened it

Caitlyn had just passed a alley where she then stopped and stepped back. She looked down the alley to see a strikingly familiar head of pink hair. Stepping closer she found Vi still laying passed out, bleeding slightly from a wound on the side of her head and clothes fully soaked.

Caitlyn just Huffed in annoyance thinking ahi hadn't gone home and instead went to the bar where she got drunk, started a fight that she couldn't win and now was paying the price. Lifting Vi and keeping the Unbrella on top of both of them had proved difficult even with the wind trying to knock the said umbrella out of Caitlyn's hands but she managed to get them both home.

Sitting Vi on the ottoman Caitlyn started getting Vi's shoes and her own shoes off so they wouldn't track mud into the house. She already knew that Vi would most likely come down with something but was slightly worried when the brawler hadn't even woken up yet. Getting her out of the wet clothing was the next task and luckily caitlyn was able to wrestle her girlfriend into dry clean clothes before bringing Vi upstairs and into bed.

Treating the wound on Vi's head swiftly, concerned when Vi didn't even move at that, since Vi hated when Caitlyn used stuff to clean the wounds, Caitlyn decided to call her dad in the morning to check on Vi.  Going into the bathroom to Change into her own PJs Caitlyn fell onto the bed and swiftly fell asleep.

She didn't notice a dark shape sitting at the window just watching the two

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